Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Worship Wednesday

Today for Worship Wednesday I'm sharing a blog I wrote back on September 19, 2009, a day after going to a Kim Clement event. This blog gives an account of what I experienced at Kim's event. I hope it blesses you! People have mixed feelings about Kim, but one thing is for sure, his music ministry is powerful. I've never entered into worship at Kim's event and not been touched by God in an intimate way.

"The Kim Clement event last night was amazing, like always. He walked on stage and started singing “The enemy is trying to suffocate you and steal your breathe away but I will deliver you” from that song he began speaking about “python” and “divination.” He used the verse in Acts 16:16-19 about the girl who followed Paul around crying out “These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to you the way of salvation.” He said many who are trying to prophesy and speak over our lives are only using a familiar spirit and are sucking the life out of us. Kim never allows anyone he does not know to speak over him for that reason. Prophesy should allow you to take a much needed breathe in,

“Prophecy never suffocates but lets you breathe.”

He explained that when God breathes out (prophesy) you take a breath in, which then allows you to breathe out (prophesy) to others. But many in the church are listening to python, which prophesies what the enemy sees and thinks about you and your situation NOT what God sees. I can personally attest to this. I’ve allowed people I did not know to pray and speak over me and I left in chains, not free! I have since then learned to put my foot down. I’m not trying to be rude but if I don’t know you don’t ask to pray or speak over me.

Kim continued teaching about how he never watches the News anymore, not because he doesn’t like it but because it suffocates him and he rather speak to God about God’s deeds rather than his needs. The news says one thing BUT “What does God have to say about that?” which lead him to sing a song about American, “America, America you are salt to the world, America American you are light.” From there he started teaching about how we need to speak life into our future, “Our today is the tomorrow we didn’t sow into” so sow into your future and when tomorrow comes you will have a harvest waiting for you. We have today what we spoke about yesterday!

“If you are unhappy today it’s because you didn’t sow into it.”

Every deed is a seed for tomorrow but if we can’t see it we won’t sow it which started him on the subject of revelation. “Revelation is seeing what is not seen” but when we get revelation it induces an action based on what was heard. God is waiting to hear Himself in us and when He does it will move Him in our behalf. We were each created as originals and God is waiting to see us walk in that originality; not trying to copy and mimic other “anointed” people but releasing the voice He placed inside of us. When we begin to speak what God is speaking the way He created us to do it, He will draw near. Like for me personally I can pray all day and have an awesome time with Jesus but something special happens when I begin to write in my journal. I have more prayers answered in a physical way and in dreams when I write poetry, prayers, and journal entries in my journal. Some people it may be singing, painting or playing the guitar whatever it may be release the fire in you the way God created you too.

Anyway in closing Kim mentioned how he sometimes feels sad leaving an event because he’s leaving something special that has been released in the atmosphere and he does not want to part with it. I thought that was really neat and confirmation to me because many times when I leave certain prophetic events I get very sad. I’ve even found myself crying once. I prayed and asked the Lord what was this inside of me. For years the best way I was able to explain it was like “coming down from a spiritual high” though I still don’t completely understand it. It’s like having your head in the clouds and coming back down. How can anything compare to the presence of God? It can’t! Everything else is dull compare to Jesus!

I once read a story about a man who died and visited heaven and then was brought back to life. He spoke about going through sadness. How could he have been in such a place like heaven and see it’s splendor and then come back to earth and be happy? Nothing compares to where he had just been, everything else is dull and lifeless compared to what he just experienced. In the same sense something powerful happens when we gather with a group of believers and prophesy and sing songs to God. Though we can and should do it alone every day and continually in our spirits it’s still extra special when we all come together and hard to part with that intensity"

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