Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ebook Now Available!

     I am excited to announce that my book, Notes For The Goats, which was released as a paperback in April for $14.99, is now available as an ebook for Kindle for ONLY $5.99. I'm so thankful for everyone's ongoing support!!
      I can't wait to purchase my Kindle! I feel like I've been waiting forever, but something always comes up. I really like the Kindle DX, since it's suppose to have excellent picture quality, and I LOVE looking at maps, but $379 is a little out of my price range at the moment! Maybe I'll wait a little longer to get what I want, or maybe settle for a cheaper version. 
      What I love about ebooks, is their space saving quality! My fiance has shelves of books, and I have even more! Lord only knows where we will store all of them when we move in together! Kindle holds up to 3,500 books! No more devouring trees for paper, no more walls of space being cluttered, no more lugging around a bag of books when I travel, AND no more paying shipping and handling when I order a book on Amazon (ha-ha)! Like I said, I'm so excited to purchase a Kindle, that's why I'm not sure if I can't wait to get the one I REALLY want!
     Anyway, everyone with a Kindle, GO GET MY BOOK! You can't beat $5.99! If you don't have a kindle you can get a FREE Kindle app for your phone or computer, and still get the benefits of buying ebooks! 
Thanks again for your support! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
