Thursday, April 28, 2016

Friday, April 1, 2016

Effortless Seasons

My tree in my backyard. Fresh lime green leaves.

As I sit here looking out my bedroom window admiring our once bare trees now covered in fresh green leaves I wonder how do they know the timing of their lives? I’m always amazed by the unison of nature and the changing of seasons. How do all the plants know when to release their leaves? How do they know when to sprout new leaves or bloom a stunning array of flowers? They smoothly transition from season to season without a hiccup or glitch.
What if our lives where meant to be that way as well, but we are too controlling to fully experience the effortless changes each season brings. What if we were to truly let go and let God? What if we relaxed and let our lives unfold? Would our lives transition smoothly as they are created to transition? Every plant is birthed with a divine timetable. They allow seasons to come and go and change them as they will. We fight. We take control. We worry. We want to know what’s next. We don’t know how to BE. We don’t know how to rest.
What if all of mankind was supposed to change with the seasons, all in unison just like the trees? What if we were all to let go and release the old at the same time? And then bloom all together? It seems powerful to think of us all flowing in peace and harmony together- everyone on the same page.