Friday, April 29, 2011

Isn't She Lovely?

Last night while driving home I couldn't help but pray for women. I was so pressed to pray that tears flooded my eyes. I began praying about how women long to be lovely, cherished, and valuable. Yet, the world has taught women to act unlovely in order to get cheap, fast love. I don't think men realize how many things women encounter daily that chip away at their self-worth. The world has failed men as well because it's shown them how to lust after women, but not love them. So many women are living life with their love tanks half full and many times completely empty at that.

It's like trying to fill your car up with water, or olive oil. It may fill the car up, but the car wont run, unless you put the right kind of fuel in it. Same thing with women. There are a bunch of dysfunctional women roaming around with broken down minds, spirits and emotions. Lord bring healing! Awaken a generation of people who love. And cause every broken and hurting soul to come in contact with these awakened people. That their joy may be full. That they'd be rich in EVERY way, as your word says.

We love you Lord.

1 comment:

For His Glory said...

Everytime I think I know everything about life at my age, I learn even more by reading your blogs and now your new book 'Notes For The Goats.' God has truly blessed you with the gift to write and discern. You display His love and grace beautifully in whatever you do. May the Lord continue to bless you and may He lead you to write many more blogs and books. Love and God Bless