Saturday, August 27, 2011

Good things He planned for us...

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NLT
 I don't know about you, but this verse excites me. This verse fills me with hope for the future! 
I'm God's masterpiece! 
God created me anew! 
God has good things planned for me to do! 
How can we read that and not get pumped up about our tomorrows? Anytime a cloud of depression comes I pull out this verse and MANY others like it. You can't continually read the Bible without realizing one thing, God has a plan. He knows what He wants and what's best. This floods my heart with peace because I don't have to know all the answers. I don't have to see the end from the beginning. The full picture belongs to Him, not us. All we have to do is activate our faith. One of the best ways to do that is to speak His words over our lives. 
When you start feeling sad and hopeless, as if there's no point to your life, REMIND YOURSELF,
"God planned GOOD things for me to do long ago!" 
Speak that aloud for your ears to hear it! 
"God planned GOOD things for me to do long ago!"
Say it AGAIN
"God planned GOOD things for me to do long ago!"

We have to learn to encourage ourselves in the Lord just like David did! 
 "David encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord his God." (1 Samuel 30:6 AMP) 
This is the main message of my purpose book. I know all to well how it feels to feel purposeless, hopeless and depressed - trust me!  In my purpose book I share the very things God used to encourage me to encourage you! I show the reader how to encourage themselves in the Lord the same way the Holy Spirit showed me. My goal is to inspire, fill with hope and excite everyone who comes across my purpose book. God has a plan!!! And each chapter in my book will highlight a little bit of this plan! 

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