Thursday, August 18, 2011

America's Entrepreneurial Spirit

          Finding a job is getting more and more difficult it seems. The typical system of going to college, making a resume, and getting a well paying job is not a fully functioning system anymore. The younger generations are going to have to start thinking more creatively to earn a living.

“I think entrepreneurship used to be a renegade’s choice, but today it’s a viable career path,” said Gerber, author of “Never Get A ‘Real’ Job“, whose mantra is “you need to create a job to keep a job." - Scott Gerbe

          I believe America has gotten into a rut. We've become complacent and comfortable. The majority of people have stopped dreaming outside of the box. We are dependent on established businesses to provide jobs instead of thinking for ourselves and developing new businesses. An Entrepreneurial spirit formed America's foundation and it's this spirit that will lead many of us successfully into the future.
          People shouldn't be afraid to dream! We need to be risk takers and step away from the normal way of doing things and dare to go a new way. There may not be a road leading the way you want to go, so make a road! It will pay off in the long run. Technology is changing, but our way of finding jobs isn't, at least not fast enough. The way our grandparents, and even parents found jobs and made a living will not be functional for future generations.
                   As Christians we have a major edge over our competitors! We have God- THE Master Creator! Talk about having the right guy on our team - eh? As we seek the Lord, He will show us what path to take. The Bible says in Proverbs 3:6 NLT, "Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take."
               God has a plan for each of our lives, and He wants nothing more than to share that plan with us! What gifts has He given you? What are you naturally good at? How can you market the talents He's placed in you? God's got an answer for all these questions. He will show you one step at a time.