Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Worship Wednesday

          Today for Worship Wednesday, I'd like to share a video of Jason Upton singing, "I Built My House Upon a Stone" in London on October  14, 2010. (I added a few more videos through out this blog as well, just to help introduce some of you to Jason. I also have six of his more spontaneous videos under, "My Current Worship Set" on the bottom right side of my blog.)  Many have never heard of Jason Upton, though his music ministry has picked up a bigger following the past few years. I was introduced to Jason Upton's ministry by a friend back in 2003, and I was glued! The intimacy at his conferences are matched by none, in my opinion. I can honestly say that Jason's pastoral heart and spirit filled music marked a major cross road in my life. It changed my walk with Jesus, for the best.
          People often write lyrics about, hearing "angels singing", but I wonder how many have actually heard the angles, or are they just wishful thinking. I can say that I've actually encountered "angels singing/praising" with my own ears at one of his events. The list of supernatural encounters people have had are numerous. I don't think Jason is anything special, or MORE special than anyone else. I simply believe that his honesty, vulnerability and openness to flow with the Holy Spirit makes room for these supernatural encounters, where as other musical artists and ministers are more concerned with "performance".
          I will admit when I first listened to his music, it sounded a bit weird to my ears. I was used to very polished artists that had been edited and produced to the max; you know the type you hear on the radio. Jason's raw sounds were new to me, but my spiritual ears opened and the honesty behind his music changed my heart. It led me to listen to more spontaneous worship and taught me to worship God differently in my private time. My personal worship time with God changed from just singing to having power encounters with the Holy Spirit and all sorts of fun stuff. I learned how to sing my own songs to God , how to sing in the spirit and to flow with words and utterances only God could give. My relationship with God became alive. I could feel Him, hear Him, experience Him.

          If I could offer any advice to Christians, I'd say, listen to music and ministers who have encountered God. Follow those who flow in the Holy Spirit because they can show you how to enter in. If you only listen to "Christian" music that's polished, marketed and produced for radio, you'll miss out on some amazing things. Are the people you're listening to hearing from God? Do they get revelation or are they making excuses about God's silence? The truth is God is speaking! Are we listening?
          People like Jason Upton, bring prophetic vision and refreshing to the people, because they are intimately connected with God. It's not their great musical skills, perfect pitch or flashing lights that encourage the people, it's the presence of God. They create an atmosphere that welcomes God's manifested presence.
          I hear so many people who are discouraged with their life, and it saddens me! Discouraged people need prophetic revelation! If that's you, you need to become friends with people who walk in the Holy Spirit, you need to go to conferences where the ministers prophesy over the people! Why? Because God WANTS to speak to you! He does NOT want you walking around in doubt, fear, and  hopelessness. He has something to say to YOU! You just have to find people who are willing & able to release it. I can't tell you how many times I felt discouraged, but went to a prophetic event and God literally spoke to my situation. I felt so special. He never leaves me! He hasn't left you either!

          There is power and hope, when people release divine words from God, for us. We are able to hear God for ourselves, but many times our emotional state blocks us from hearing clearly, that's why I suggest going somewhere where people are flowing in the Spirit. These gifts are given to us to encourage one another! People have prophetic gifts to encourage the Body of Christ!
          I challenge everyone who reads this "Worship Wednesday" blog to try listening to Jason Upton. I know his ministry will bless you just as it has me!
          You can find more Jason Upton videos by going to and typing "Jason Upton" in the search option.You can also visit Jason's website:

And don't forget to stop by next Wednesday to see what musical artists or videos I highlight next!

Till next time remember the question is not, "Is God speaking?", the question is, "Are we listening?"

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