Monday, April 22, 2013

Prayer paves a road

        "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" - Philippians 4:6 NIV

        Why pray? Because prayer moves the hands of God. There are things God wants to do in the earth, but can't because we have yet to pray about them. Prayer invites God onto the scene. It paves a road where there was none.
       Can you imagine  a neighborhood with no roads? How will the mailman deliver your mail? Prayer paves a road to whatever the issue is you are praying about. It paves roads in and out of every detail of our lives, into areas that would be unreachable otherwise. The roads we pave with our prayers allow God to move and work in our behalf. We are opening a way for miracles and divine answers.
     Pray about everything. Invite God into the situation and watch things change. One prayer can change everything. But when you pray, have faith, because faith is the currency of Heaven. Just as we buy things on the earth with money, heaven requires faith. We must believe it is so, believe that God can, will and wants to. In some cases we must believe that God already has. So, don't forget to mix some faith in with every prayer.
      God is for us. But we must be people of prayer. We must pave roads were there are none.

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