Monday, April 22, 2013

Broken hearts are beautiful hearts

       I heard someone says, "God wants to keep your heart whole", even help us avoid things that could break our hearts. I don't agree with this completely. God wants to mend our hearts, He does not want us "bleeding to death" emotionally or spiritual, but brokenhearted people do the most good in the world. They are the God chasers, earth shakers and they are the ones that put action behind their passion. Look at the people in the Bible, did they have whole hearts or did they face brokenness?
      Some of the most passionate, sold out, loving people you will meet are those who have had broken hearts. Of course, some broken people turn bitter, but that's only because the process of brokenness is still underway. When it's accomplished it's work they are usually tender hearted, gracious, merciful, and love others in a way that brings healing to all they meet. Broken hearts are beautiful hearts.
       We can't spend out lives running from brokenness or protecting our loves ones from it. A child who grows up perfectly, not needing, wanting or experiencing some sort of emotional pain is a shallow child that grows up into a shallow adult. Don't resent the pain you've walked through, look at how it's made you more compassionate and gentle to all you meet.
      It's easy to try and avoid pain. It's easy to look down on a season of our life that's not full of sunshine and laughter, but the truth is, it's the broken seasons that have contributed the most to who we are. It's the tears that cleansed our soul and it's there we found how to depend on God in new ways, ways others may not even realize they need Him yet.

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