Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Obedience, success or both

         Is it possible to be in God's will and not be "successful" as the world labels success? Yes! We must do what God asked us to do even if that means walking alone. As it's commonly known, "What's popular is not always right, and what's right is not always popular." We can't determine whether or not we obey God based on people's applause. What if we never get man's approval? Are we never to obey God? Will we stand before God or man on judgment day? It's in our best interest to obey God.
        Often times people become insecure when they move into what God's asked them to do and they find no one cheering them on. They think because they are obeying God that man will rejoice, but this is faulty thinking. Many times the opposite is true. We must remember this, lest we hand our baton to the next runner to finish our race.
       I believe God will make a way for us to accomplish His will for our lives. This does not mean that man will make a way for us or even celebrate us. For some reason in America we are hooked on being famous. Our goal even in the church seems to be becoming famous. If God's will for us does not lead to fame we pout, have a pity party and even throw in the towel. And yet, there are people all over the world doing spiritually important things and we will never know their names or see their faces.
       If your ideas of success means "fame" then you may miss out of God's will for your life and the role He's planned you to play in this world. Only a select few become famous. This does not mean they are better Christians or more loved by God. It's simply the path He's chosen for them. And I bet many who are famous will attest, it come with a price too. It's not always so glamorous. There is stress, heartache and struggles.
       The point is, obey God, and leave the ending to Him. If He takes you down a road of popularity, great. But if He takes you down a quiet back road that no one knows about that's great too. Our main goal should be maintaining intimacy with Him. Everything else is minor.

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