Monday, April 15, 2013

In the middle of nowhere

         We can search, keep ourselves busy, and continually climb the world's ladder of promotion and still not know what God's put us here to do. Yet, time and time again I hear testimonies of people who were laid off, kicked out, and forgotten about one way or another. Having no next step planned their weary hearts roam in loneliness and despair. It's there they say they eventually discovered their purpose. A whole new road opened up to them.
        They didn't find what they were looking for at their job, in promotions, pay raises, big houses, new cars or friends. They found it when they felt forsaken by all else. I think my testimony is somewhat the same. In the middle of nowhere, we find our true selves. The person God created us to be.     
         I encourage you not give up if you feel dumped in the middle of nowhere. It's weird how this happens. Some situations feel as if people literally pull over, open the door, and kick us out without notice. That's happened to me. Emotionally shaken we look like lost puppies not knowing which way to go. Other times we follow God and the road literally leads to the desert, but why? It doesn't matter how you ended up in "nowhere", what's important to remember is it's there where some of God's most amazing treasures are hidden. Trust Him. Know He's trying to do a work in you. He's on your side.
          If you allow brokenness to run it's course, you will look back and rejoice. "Nowhere" will prove to be the best place you've ever visited. Brokenness can be our friend if we let it work and we don't run from it or self medicate it away.  Sometimes it's in the middle of nowhere that God chooses to wait for us. When we lay all we are down, all we have, our hopes and dreams and look to Him, that's when we find what we need.
Nowhere may prove to be somewhere life changing.

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