Saturday, April 27, 2013

Changing views

      Don't judge this season of your life by last season. God's taking you on a journey and the view is always changing. One of the biggest mistakes we can make is  to miss out on what God's doing now because we are busy reminiscing on what He did.
        Just because our relationship has changed does not mean we are out of alignment. Think about our relationship with people. Within our relationships we have different events and experiences. We may attend a birthday party, a wedding, or a quiet night of dinner and intimate conversation, maybe a movie, a funeral, vacation etc. There are many different activities  involved in relationships, everything from big to small. Each activity evoke different emotions in us and different parts of our personality.
        The excitement you display at a party will not be the same as a quiet night at home or during a tragic lose. See what I'm saying. We have to see our spiritual relationship with God the same. If we don't we may assume something is wrong when a season is not as exciting or the same. This will cause us to keep looking backwards or even try and mimic what used to be.
        I'd like to encourage you. I've had powerful, exciting and wild seasons with God and I've also had quiet, still, seasons with God. In the quieter seasons I'd get insecure and wonder what happened, but God would tap me on the shoulder (spiritually) and let me know He was still with me and I with Him. Nothing had changed between us. Be encouraged by this. I can imagine others have felt the same way. Don't allow yourself to grow insecure and live your life looking out the rear view mirror.
       Trust that God is taking you forward. Seasons change, feelings change, and even activities change, but that does not mean something is wrong.

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