Friday, April 12, 2013


         Do you watch American Idol? Wowzers! If you haven't heard Angie's original song check it out.

             Powerful, right? Look at the judges faces. The hit you feel when she opens her mouth is the the Holy Spirit.  And the judges were receptive to it. You'd think Angie would recognize her gift. She is a worshiper, and her voice is created to bring glory to Him. She may not want to sing worship songs, but she should defiantly stay within the Christian genera. Her voice brings healing to people and carries a spiritual weight.  
        Yet, as the competition rolls forward it seems she would rather be a sexy secular artist? Flash back to Katy Perry's beginnings? I hope not! I'm trying to believe the best, that maybe the American Idol producers are controlling her a bit and giving her bad advice? Or maybe she's not much of a leader and living in a house with the other contestants is rattling her a bit since she is without her spiritual support system? Maybe it's a character issue? Only God and Angie know what's going on. I'm personally tired of seeing spiritually gifted people throw it away for sex, money and fame. It's seducing and many fall prey to it.
        The goodness of God keeps chasing her down though. I wish I could find clips of each example to show you. You know God is desperately trying to get your attention and speak to you when Nicki Minaj (of all people) is telling you to stop being sexy and to go back to the way you were because she liked it. Wow! God can speak through anyone. These walls keep rising up to block her from traveling the road of compromise. I pray she sees and heeds these road blocks. God disciplines those He loves. It's His love trying to direct her steps.
           Angie you have the ability to reach people others may not. You have influence with and respect from secular artists. They actually enjoy and beg you to worship without even knowing it. Every song they praise you on is a worship song at the piano. Give them Jesus, they are begging for it. The raw passion they speak of is the Holy Spirit you gave them in the beginning. You have an open door to minister to a unique audience if you will take it and keep your eyes on Jesus. We are praying for you Angie, that you would walk the holy road He's paved for you.
         I ask other Christians to pray for her during this time as well. Whether she wins American Idol or not, her music career is bound to take off and she will be tempted to use her gifts in all sorts of ways. Pray she is sensitive to His voice during this vulnerable transition time. I've seen many Godly people sell-out during this time. I pray Godly women in the industry will scoop her up quickly.

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