Thursday, April 18, 2013

It still only takes ONE

     You are never too far gone, neither are your friends or loved ones. Sometimes when we feel we've strayed miles from God it can be overwhelming, "How do I get back?" or when we see our loved ones drifting farther and farther away from God it breaks our heart, "is it too late?" Without realizing it we have made "returning" to God something confusing - like a maze.
      Think about weight loss. People often say, "You didn't gain it overnight, so don't expect to drop the weight over night." or " It's much harder to lose it than to gain it." We carry this sort of mentality into all areas of our life. As if returning to something healthy, productive and fruitful is harder than slipping and will require days, months, years of striving.
        Thankfully God is not like this, so let's make sure we don't unknowingly make the road of return harder than it is. "No matter how many steps you take away from God, it still only takes ONE to get back."
      I'm constantly being made aware of how easily we assume God's relationship with us is like our relationship with other people. I mean, in a sense it is, but it's holy. God's not dysfunctional, hurtful, spiteful etc. He is good. And He does not require all the hoop jumping most of us knowingly and unknowing require in our relationships. In a sense He's easy going. He wants intimacy with us and is constantly beckoning us and chasing us down even in our running.
       If God stood still and let us run, then when we turned around to finally return, we'd have a long road to travel. But I believe God is chasing us and is right on our heels. So when we turn, BAM, He is right there in our face to embrace  us.
      Running from God and rebelling has many roads and consists of many steps, but no matter how many steps in the wrong direction we take, it still only takes one step to return. So don't allow the road of return intimidate you and postpone your repentance. He's only one step away.


For His Glory said...

so true! Your blog is going to encourage many as it did me.

For His Glory said...

so true! Your blog will encourage many as it did me. Even though we drift away from the Lord, He is right besides us :-)