Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Who You Are

    Have you ever felt yourself come alive? What was the context of that moment? Who, what, when, where and why? This is a great indicator of God's direction for your life. I just had one of those moments today.
    I've always been passionate about deliverance and had a desire to help people with addictions and sexual strongholds, etc. I even created webpages and myspace page (back in the day) and tons of other things to help birth this passion. But a few turbulent seasons later and I didn't even think about it anymore. I guess life started getting in the way.
    Today I happen to catch "It's Supernatural" with Sid Roth. I love that show! I love it because it's always packed full of supernatural testimonies about God doing the impossible. It fills me with faith and hope! Today his guest was an elderly couple teaching on deliverance and something happened inside of me. I felt it, a match was lit and a tiny fire started again. God must be calling me back, calling me to remember this passion that has been neglected and pushed into a forgotten hall closet.
     Since the show, and the renewed stirring of my spirit in this area, I've gone back and read over my old websites and deliverance posts and wow! I had forgotten about the revelation God had poured out of me. That was such a powerful season in my life. I think there are many reasons why it got left behind. 1) I let other people get in my ear. When you let others into your ear you are in danger. Many want you to look like them and their opinions will discourage you and change your God given direction. Be careful who you listen too. 2) I think hurt and pain caused me to grow weak all around, and this got a hit along with other things. 3) I got married, bought a house, health issues, bounced around a few happened. 4) I think God had other plans for me. I published 3 books (writing, designing, editing etc). 5) There were some people I needed to let go of that were attached to that season, but now I can come back fresh.
        One thing is for sure, I'll be connecting with this passion again with new pieces to the puzzle. It's weird how life will cause you to forget who you are, what you love, and what God's already spoken to you about when it comes to your destiny. But then, God, in His faithfulness, gives us these divine moments where someone's fire helps start ours again. My fire has helped light a few people's fires (praise God), but I'm so thankful that other people have kept their fire ablaze because it has encouraged me and lit my dimming flame so many times as well. We need each other! :-)
       I'm excited to start editing, and working on my old website. I renewed the site address and everything. Go figure the timing! I had been getting notifications that the domain was going to be shut down if I didn't renew it. I had five days left and have been tossing and turning about it. I was about ready to let it expire. Then today, the last day until expiration I end up seeing this couple minister in the area of deliverance. There is no way I could let it expire after that. I'm too energized and pumped and fueled. A forgotten treasure has been pulled out of the closet and dusted off ! Thank you Jesus! God is so powerful and planned, that everything is on His time table. That couple didn't know or even care what day God caused the show to air, or where I'd be at the time, but He had me walk past it and my spirit grabbed hold and had to watch. Also, the Jonie Show was discussing the same topic. God is so detailed that He hits dozens of birds with one stone. Nothing is for nothing. Everything is for something.

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