Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pushing a parked car

       If you can imagine your gifts, talents, destiny, calling etc as a car for just a second. Many of us spend our whole lives in park, in our driveways. Why is this? I think it's because of our ideas about "waiting" on God. One thing is for sure, I'm all about waiting on God. There is no other way, but imagine trying to push a park car.
       There are those who slam on the gas and hastily go ahead of God and end up in "la la land", having to take u-turn after u-turn. Then there are those of us who are too careful and never push the gas at all. We may wash our car, keep it safe in our garage, even sit in it, but we never pull out of the drive way. We fear that we may go the wrong way, get a scratch or dent, or even an accident. We are safer in park.
      There is another way - neither racing ahead or staying in park. Taking your car out of park and driving slowly.  As you begin to drive you will start noticing road signs directing you about speed, direction, road closures, street names etc. obey and follow them it's God leading you. When you reach an intersection, pray. Then, continue forward in the direction you believe the Holy Spirit is leading.
       If your waiting for the full pictures before you begin, you will never begin. I haven't met anyone who has been given the full picture. God leads us a few steps at a time. So, drive the speed limit and obey the road signs to ensure safely reaching your destination. God puts signs up everywhere.If you get a flat tire, cracked windshield, run out of gas etc. God's set up "healing stations" along your journey. If you make a wrong turn you can always turn around. The key is to start moving, but keep your eyes on the road and pay attention to the signs.

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