Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Colors, textures and densities

      Have you ever received a divine word from God at a conference or other spirit filled event? I've received a few over the years and every time I always "sorta-kinda" knew it was gonna happen. I knew because God's presence would rest on me before the event in a unique way. It's like I feel His hand and weight of his presence over me. I've learned over the years that this usually means He's going to speak to me through someone or do something unique with me.
      If you've never received a word from God don't fret. 1st maybe you've never gone to an event where people flowed in the Holy Spirit in this way. Try attending and see what happens. 2nd you don't need a word from anyone. God is more than willing to speak to you personally. Usually the words I get confirm what God has already been speaking to me , or help me get over something I'm stuck on and it brings healing and wisdom to a situation. But God's spoken to me personally and done the same things countless times. So don't feel discouraged if you've never gotten a word. I've learned that if you continually turn your ear to Heaven, if you tune your ear to His voice He will go the distance to speak to you.
         The most recent word the Lord blessed my husband and I with was from a John Paul Jackson conference. My husband and I knew God was going to speak to us through John Paul in personal way, but we didn't know what about. Then, John Paul before saying anything said he had a desire to share a quote from his book but didn't know why. It had nothing to do with his message that day. But he shared anyway. He read,  "Having been in God's throne room, I have seen creativity in it's finest form - creativity that embodies true, complete, full worship. I love artistic things. I love colors, textures, densities. I love all these things because I saw them there. A place where He dwells is moving, living, breathing creativity." - John Paul Jackson (7 Days Behind The Veil:Throne Room Meditations)  
        Our spirit rose up and grabbed it. This was a word for us. This season has been interesting to say the least. Many Christians do not understand my husband and I when it comes to clothing, decor and making things visually beautiful. I've always believed it was an extension of God's personality since He is the creator of all beautiful things. And we are both filled with Him.  But religious people would look down on it or label it as something it wasn't. I've actually been discouraged about it. So my husband and I have been praying and John Paul blessed us with this word. Peace filled my heart because God was confirming what we already knew He was telling us, but we doubted because of other's negativity. One word from God will set your heart free from words others have spoken and insecurity that arises. It's not just the word but the confirmation within your spirit. It's the divine moment when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has just spoken to you. It's powerful.
        Do you need a word from God? Do you need confirmation or encouragement? Seek Him in all you do and diligently pursue His presence and voice. When you do He will stop at nothing to make sure you know His heart toward a situation. He's always faithful.

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