Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Vindication in front our critics? In front of those who never believed in us? In front of those who looked down at us? Vindication, sounds good, eh? It’s easy to eagerly await the day God prepares a table for us in front of our enemies but I’d like to challenge all of us to take a step back. Take a moment or two to see who we have been a critic of, never believed in, or looked down upon.

Don’t be self righteous and think, “Oh not me. I’d never do that” because we’ve all done it. It’s easy to want God to right all the wrongs in our life, but how many wrong are we inflicting on others? What pain and hurt have we caused in other people’s lives that they’d seek vindication over? We run crying to God to fix our problems and to heal our wounds when we don’t mind continually wounding others. Many times you may not hurt your friends, family, boss, leadership team or co-workers but what about those who are lower on your list. Those you don’t have to love or be kind to, those that make you uncomfortable or seem distant enough not to matter. They to will be vindicated and it may be in front of you, depending on how you treated them.

Man looks on the outside but God looks at a man’s heart. I’m constantly reminded of a quote by Jason Upton, “God does not create for man’s approval but discovery. Man creates for approval and even judges God’s creations according to their approval.” It’s so easy to apply that verse to our selves and say something like, “I’m not created for man’s approval, so don’t judge me.” but that’s the problem. We should apply that quote to those we come in contact with daily, “They were not created for MY approval but discovery.” And though we may not understand those that cross our path at times we should strive to see past the outer shell and into their heart and help them pull out the beauty God has placed within.

One definition of “enemy” is, “a person who is hostile or opposed to a person, group, or idea.” Are you anyone’s enemy? If so, why? Don’t be surprised if God prepares a table for them right smack dab in front of you. God loves all His people and His word applies to them just as much as it applies to you. God will display His victory through those that are His whether we understand it or not. He will display His love and His favor for them before the enemy’s camp. Will you be among that camp? Or sitting at the table?

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