Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Dream 9/6/16 - chanters

      I have so many dreams. I record them daily and sometimes I like to share them. I can't share them all otherwise I'd have no more room on my blog lol. This one was intense and very detailed. I thought it would be an interesting one to share. I always thought I could turn many of my dreams into fiction books :-)

       I had a dream. I was in a Muslim country. I was surrounded by dirt roads and a mixture of nice to run down buildings and shopping areas. I was terrified. All of a sudden I hear chants “Allah-akbar” over and over again. I hear someone call my name, "Amber!". They are trying to get my attention. I look over and see them drop to the ground into a ball (like you would in school if there were a tornado warning). I realize they are telling me to do the same so I drop just in time before the chanters reach my area. Come to find out if you don’t drop to the ground into a ball the chanters will beat you or even kill you. I felt terror!
            I saw Scotty (the country singer from American Idol) and I clung to him. I told him not to leave me and to help me get out of this country and onto a plane back home. He stuck with me for a while and helped. He seemed to have strength and wisdom about the area. Another time I was on a bus and the chanters got on, so we all dropped, feeling terror again. This happened over and over at random times. Another time I entered a restaurant and saw several Muslim women dressed in  muted grayish purple body suits, head covered, no skin or eyes showing. They were sitting and waiting it seemed. They wanted me to greet them by praising their god and saying, “Allah-akbar” but I didn’t because I didn’t know it was a rule. I saw one of the ladies get up to get something and I knew she was going to try and burn me alive because I didn’t praise their god just like they had done to someone previously. They were scheming and making up rules as they went to purposely punish people. She was acting nice, and was going to cozy up next to me then strike!
         My heart was racing as I slowly exited the building. I knew at any second I could go up in flames. I finally made it out and turned a few corners. I found a little nook, but it was surrounded by windows from that restaurant and they could see me. I saw more women crowded by the window and I was scared, so I purposely said it loud enough for them to hear me, “Allah-akbar” over and over. They heard and disappeared. I didn’t mean it in my heart. I said it to buy myself time to escape a heated situation.
         Then at some point I hear the chanters again and they are across the street. The dirt road was as wide as a 12 lane highway. I could see the chanters and they were full of energy.  I saw lots of young people participating, which surprised me, and they didn’t seem like Muslims. They were part of  black lives matter. They carried bats and weapons and chanted terrorizing whoever they passed and banging on buildings. Again, terror.
        I remember scenes of the dream where I was traveling on highways that intersected and were high like overpasses. I remember not knowing which way to go to get out of there. Eventually I didn’t see Scotty with me anymore, I assumed he left, which scared me. He wasn’t really invested in sticking with me, but more so I was clinging to him.
      At some point I enter an American store in America. I felt relief. The store was so bright with white walls that it gave off a crisp blueish tint. There was cool ac running, and calming music. I remember the peace that washed over me. Normal life again! I remember telling someone in the store my experience and they said those people want their people to live in a constant state of terror. And I agreed and said that’s exactly how I felt being there.

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