Thursday, September 15, 2016

We cheat oursleves

       We cheat ourselves by judging ourselves harshly. We often miss out on the good gifts God wants to give us and use through us because we feel ashamed and rejected. We feel unworthy. And maybe the world has made you feel that way through past experiences, people, places etc. But God does not see us or treat us as the world often treats us.
        People can be harsh, finicky, cold one day and hot the next. We use people, we climb them like ladders and we spit them out, all while masking these behaviors as something acceptable and justifying our actions with self-righteousness. This can play with our emotions and create strong holds in our mind. But people’s hurtful ways should not be mistaken for God’s ways. God is careful with us. He sees us clearly and pays attention to the details of our lives.
       We cheat ourselves out of many blessings by seeing ourselves as less than God sees us. Fear, shame and rejection will keep us from God’s best for our lives. Instead of lining up to receive what God has in store, we hang back, we hide, we isolate ourselves. We believe the lies this world has ingrained in our minds through our experiences.
        We need to take our cue from Taylor Swift and shake it off, shake it off! Seriously, shake that junk off! It’s not going to remove itself. The enemy would like nothing more than to cripple us our entire lives. But God wants us to see ourselves the way He sees us. Walk in faith. Let your mind be lifted to a higher wave of thinking and feeling.
      You are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. You’ve been bought with a price. You were known and your steps planned before you ever lived a single day. Let’s be determined to never miss another blessing because of self-doubt and self-hatred. You are who God says you are

Accept it
Believe it
Walk in it
Lift up your head!
Look the world in the eye!

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