Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Our well of treasures

         Depending on the season we’re in it may be easy to forget all we’ve been through and the wisdom gained from those experiences. Especially, if we haven’t drawn from our well of treasures in a while. It’s important to remind ourselves of the work God has done in us and the roads we’ve traveled.
        I have to remember the well I have living inside of me often. A well filled with living water, wisdom, gifts, talents and more, all waiting to be given away. We all have a well to draw from. But we won’t be quick to share these treasures if we forget we have them, if we forget our identity in Christ, or minimize the work God has accomplished in us.
      Our past experiences were not in vain. The roads we’ve traveled and the jewels we’ve collected along the way are not for hoarding. We are skillful at playing head games and psyching ourselves out. Therefore, we must stay alert and stir up our gifts often. Our God is good! Our God has been faithful! We have something to offer. We have something to bring to the table.
       Many times people don’t come to the table and join their brothers and sisters in Christ because they fear not having anything to bring. But, the truth is we all have something to bring. We have to stop minimizing our parts. What we have is enough because it’s what God’s entrusted to us.
       We each have a special story that shouldn’t be compared to someone else’s story. Comparison leads us to minimize our well of treasures. What we minimize we no longer value. If we no longer see our unique set of gifts and talents as valuable, we won’t feel energized to pull them up.
       Who we are is enough! Our journey has been planned and well thought out by our Creator. We have the tools, the insight, the wisdom and the ability to bless those around us. The treasures in our well are expensive jewels, all unique to satisfy God’s plans for our lives, that we have the honor of giving away. Remember their value. Remember to pass them out. Remember you can make a difference. Draw from the well filled with treasures living inside of you.  Remember who you are and whose you are.

We have treasures to give away!

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