Monday, September 24, 2012

God is general, Jesus brings clarity!

"Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like you— majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?" - Exodus 15:11 NIV

      Who is your god? The word "god" can refer to different things, depending on who you speak with, but the name of Jesus brings clarity. I'm always weary when I hear people say, "I believe in God." and then Christians quickly embrace it as if  the person is saying they are a Christian. The word god can be thrown out numerous times, but when the name of Jesus is used, a line is drawn in the sand. 
      For example, I was watching Katy Perry's movie. I heard she was a "christian" and that the movie was really good. But when I watched, all I saw was a girl who rejected the God of her parents and made her own god (Her parents were powerful traveling pentecostal ministers when she was growing up). When she spoke about her relationship with god in the movie she never mentioned Jesus. I've personally never heard her mention faith in Jesus in any of her interviews. This is very telling. Also, her songs are sexual in nature (asking boys to show her their "peacock" and stop acting like a female dog), and she mixes biblical truths with weird lyrics about aliens which she says she believes in. 
       What people choose to sing about is very revealing, we shouldn't take it lightly - they are telling us about themselves. "Oh, but Amber she is a Christian! She believes in God." She may believe in a god, but what god? She's walking in deception and leading many astray with her mixed views of God, sex and aliens. Don't get me wrong, she is talented, but we should continue praying that she finds her way along the path of truth. The God of the Bible can meet her where she is.
       At the moment, she comes across as confused with arrested emotional development, which may be her parent's fault. Instead of helping her cultivate a real relationship with God it seems they tried controlling her as a child. But now she's free to think for herself she is testing out many waters and experimenting with many ways of life. We can't mistaken the spotlight on her as a sign of maturity or  approval to follow her in anyway. Her falling away has caused her whole family to backslide. The same thing happened to Jessica Simpson's father who was a pastor, and has now been arrested for a DUI. When we support singers like this we are supporting the downfall that's actually ruined their families and their spiritual heritage. Anyways, I've strayed from the main point of my post, which is the name of Jesus and the lack of it being mentioned.
        The name of Jesus is powerful and if someone is not using it when describing or announcing their faith it's not on accident. A red flag should go up, and we should realize we are not on the same page when speaking about God. The Bible says no one can say, "Jesus is Lord" without the Holy Spirit. So it's important to listen when people are describing their faith, no matter who they are. God is general, Jesus brings clarity.

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