Monday, September 17, 2012

Divided Loyalty

 " ... But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do." - James 1:5-8 NLT 

    Is loyalty important to you? Whether you're dealing with a team sport, business group, friendships or even family situations, a lack of loyalty can be viewed as major betrayal. As humans, most of us want some degree of loyalty from those we do life with. Where does this come from?
    I believe God desires loyalty from us as well. He desires an undivided heart from us, fully committed to Him. When we live in compromise we are flirting with the opposite team. Is this loyalty to God? Our heart is divided. How must God feel when we carelessly live this way?  
      When we accept the doctor's word over God, is our faith in Him alone? When we trust in medicines, counselors, our friends, jobs, ourselves etc. instead of God, where is our faith? Miracles happen when we dive in head first and say, "God you're it! You are all I have! My faith is in you alone." Refusing to look left or right, knowing every good thing comes from above, not the works of our hands. 
    I love reading about past revivalists - mighty men of God who were used to start waves of miracles. I also love reading about past pastors and their day to day triumphs, struggles and thoughts on the Bible. It's fascinating how many of the things they wrestling with or notice in the church are still true today. One book I'm reading (slowly) is, "Divine Healing" by Andrew Murray (1828-1917). Andrew mentions in his book how he believes many miss out on divine healing because the growing availability of medicine. It's easier for people to trust in it, rather than God. Which brings me to my point. There are so many things to put our faith in!  God is often looked at as a last resort instead of a first. If this was true in Andrew Murray's day, how much more so now? 
   I believe divided loyalty is one of the main reasons for unanswered prayers. Instead of God being our all in all, He's merely another option on a long list we are wishing upon.  
     As we  journey through this Christian life, we make choices daily that show God where our loyalties belong. Just as we'd want those we love and team up with to be fully committed to us, I believe God desires the same from us. I want my choices to show God that all my loyalty belongs to Him, not because He's a mean task master, but because He loves me and my heart flows with gratitude. This gratitude causes me to want to obey and live undivided in every way for my King. 

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