Saturday, September 10, 2011

One car family?

    Being a one car family seems crazy to many people, but it's working for many others. I guess it depends how you look at it. My fiance and I have been weighing the pros and cons, praying and even fasted about selling his car, and living with only mine (since it's paid off). I must admit I've been more anxious about this idea than my fiance. He seems really confident about the decision and today we finally went through with it.
     I predominantly work from home, so sharing the car wont be as hard as it is for other couples who both work outside of the home. Plus, now that the car is gone, we will start married life together completely debt free. We will also be approved for a bigger loan when we start looking for our 1st home next year and we will be able to start saving what once was the car payment. So there are a lot of positives.The negatives include (when we are married) lack of freedom, more planning for errands and lack of security (ultimately God is our security, so our faith will be stretched).
     We'd like to live our whole lives debt free, except for our future mortgage. Our goal is to eventually save enough to by a 2nd car in cash, Lord willing. Honestly, I don't know if I could ever buy a "new" car again. It seems like such a waste of money, but we'll see!
     As my old pastor used to say, God wants us to be the "lender and not the borrower, the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath". I want to live free! When we are in-debt we are a slave to that debt  and we have to live according to man in some cases. But when we are debt free we can live free, in bondage to no one. We are allowed to follow God's will and not the will of those we owe.
     I will keep you posted as this new season unfolds, trust me there are a bunch of surprises coming! :-)