Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Dream inspiration : Clothes that fit

       I dream almost daily, but a few months ago I had a dream that really encouraged me. In my dream I was standing near a rack of clothes in a store. I began trying on each piece of clothing on the rack. Some were big, some were small, and even the ones that fit, really didn't fit well. I remember looking at myself thinking, "This doesn't feel like me at all." I was very discouraged. Then, while feeling hopeless, my dream's view expands and I see the entire store filled with racks of clothes. I felt hope rise within me, "There are more clothes to choose from!" I knew I'd find something that fit and felt right on me. I just had to move away from the rack and go explore.
      Upon awaking, I knew the meaning of the dream. It encouraged me greatly. Thus far in my life I've often felt like I don't fit in anywhere. I've tried on a lot of things, tried to make things work even though the fit was off and it didn't feel like me. I've gotten discouraged thinking I'm stuck wearing clothes I don't like, clothes that don't inspire me, clothes that don't reflect who I am on the inside.  I've only spent my time trying clothes from one rack, I've tried to mix and match, do this and that, trying to get these clothes to work for me but they never will - I even hated the drab colors and style. I have to move on to other things. I need to explore. 
        After this dream, I've started to encourage people that the world is bigger than where they are. We often try to force ourselves to fit where we don't belong, in communities we don't thrive in, and take on roles for the sake of belonging even if it dims our light, but if we have courage and break away from what's comfortable and easy, we will be rewarded by finding clothing that fit.
        Just as a puzzle piece has it's place, so do we. The discouragement, tension and pressure we feel is a sign we are in the wrong place, just like a puzzle piece trying to force itself in the wrong spot - the spot will never make room for the wrong piece, it will live in constant tension and pressure. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of living that way.
        If we want to live free and have mental, emotional, physical freedom, we must have courage to explore, courage to walk alone and courage to expand our boundaries. The world is bigger than our little sphere. So this is my goal in this season of my life. Continue to detox from the old and look for ways to explore, taste and see new things. I have hope there are clothes that fit me, and there are clothes that fit you! :-)

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