Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Creating a healing oasis

     Creating healing spaces comes naturally to my hubby and I. We learned early on in our lives that in order to have inner peace we needed to live in beautiful and peaceful spaces. My hubby and I can both attest that this started as children. As adult home owners we find ourselves doing the same thing - my hubby even made his office at work into a little oasis.
     For some of us creating an oasis every where we go comes easily, but for some it may take a little more energy. I'd like to encourage you that the pay off is worth the effort. One way hubby and I set the mood for our healing spaces is with paint. Most of the rooms in our home are shades of blues and greens. We find these colors comforting, peaceful and yet energizing at the same time. I wont go into detail about how we decorate - decorating is personal for everyone - I will say it's important to have a space that brings you peace not anxiety - put in the effort to protect your peace zone.
      My favorite healing space at our house and the main one I want to talk about is our backyard. We don't always have the means to travel or go on beautiful vacations, but we can create a little healing oasis with nature in our own backyards. Even when we lived in an extra small apartment, views facing the parking lot, we made a little peaceful space on our tiny balcony using a few potted plants. Protecting our inner peace and nurturing our mental health needs to be a top priority.
     As  extremely sensitive people my hubby and I learned early on we needed a space to lick our wounds, heal and recharge. One thing my hubby loves is the sound of water. We found a used fountain and fixed it up a bit with paint and new parts. The lovely sound of water is healing to my hubby. I love the vibrant colors nature has to offer, so we planted different types of roses and crepe myrtles. 
      We are starting a veggie garden to supply our own veggies for our regular juicing routine. We've also created little cozy places throughout our backyard to sit. We have a spot by our fountain where we strung up some lights for romantic whimsical evenings. We have chairs under our shade tree, and some more on our deck area. All these little spaces allow us to go where we feel most at peace depending on our mood. Making our mental, emotional and spiritual health a priority by creating peaceful spaces pays off daily for us.

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