Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Finding joy in today

     "Everybody wants something extravagant in their lives, but no one wants something consistent." -Damon Thompson

      It's not bad to have a vision, to have a dream of something better. The problem is when we focus so much on what we want we forget to enjoy what we have. Some of us can get trapped praying for blessings, that we never pray, "God help me thrive where I am. Help me learn to embrace and love what you've already provided". We spend much of our lives envying, craving and focusing on tomorrow, totally neglecting God in our today.
       I've been guilty of this. I'm a natural dreamer in many ways. It was actually a sleeping dream that brought this to my attention. When I woke up I knew I needed to change my focus. I need to be thankful and thrive where God has planted me. If we spend our lives craving something else, looking to the future, we totally miss the opportunities that wait for us today. I've since changed some of my prayers. I'm asking God to help me appreciate and engage today while being hopeful for tomorrow.
       What if our plans are not His plans? Are we going to live unhappy and discontent? We have to learn to surrender and find happiness in what has been provided. Everyone's journey is different and we shouldn't spend our lives envying someone else. There are treasures hidden on our journey too, but we will totally miss them if we are focused on another person's journey.

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