Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Brokenness has taught them...

True intercessory folk are often entrusted with knowledge only for them as they give themselves to the groan of His heart. So the intercessors are not tattle-tales; they do not use their gift to lord over another or as a badge of importance. Brokenness has taught them that quiet, trustworthy obedience is better demonstrated. - Don Nori Sr., Former CEO at Destiny Image Inc.
       Ever wonder why God reveals His secrets to you? It's so we can pray. :-) When I was younger I'd get so frustrated when God would reveal things to me. I was like, "Okay? What am I suppose to do with this?" Eventually, I learned from older and wiser people that it was God's calling to pray. 
       His secrets are revealed so we know how to pray. Prayer changes everything! Some people don't have anyone praying for them. :-( No father, mother, grandma etc. out there speaking blessings over their life or asking for a hedge of protection. 
       When we are shown something it's because God trusts us with the information. Trusts that we will love and not hate. Trusts that we will weep with them and for them and not puff up with pride. Trusts that we will be moved with compassion for things that are breaking His heart. :-)
        The Lord trusts you with His secrets because He knows you are broken. Don't despise the broken pieces in your life. They have been used to shape you into exactly what He wanted - a usable vessel.

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