Monday, May 9, 2011

Dream 5/ 9/11 "Fellow-ship Sinking"

I was in a huge ship in the ocean with lots of people (like the titanic). Then I hear someone say the ship is sinking, and when I looked it was half way under water already. Someone told me that since we (the people I was with) were at the bottom level (class wise, not the cool people) there wouldn’t be any life boats left for us, and that we should jump out and swim while we were close to an island shore, since some could still touch the bottom. I began to wonder if there were wild animals on the island of land we’d have to swim to, or if we’d have to float in the water all night, but what about sharks? All those things popped into my mind but the dream never got that far because I woke up.

I think I know what this means, but I'm open if anyone has anything.I never really blog my dreams here, but I might start  sharing a few of the interesting ones. I miss blogging my dreams! Right now I type, and save all my dreams in Word. (no fun!) 

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