Friday, December 12, 2014

What is community?

        What is community? Throughout the Bible I see pictures of Christians living life together as one, yet I've never seen this in my own life. I've seen a few missionary groups live this way, but they excluded anyone outside of their circle. I've seen random secs of Christians here and there form community, but rarely. I haven't seen it as the norm. Why is that? How is it possible for Christians to suffer from extreme loneliness when there are members of the Body of Christ everywhere? How have we be become so independent in our living and moving around day to day? 
        If there is community it's usually a group of people who idolize a leader of some sort, so the community is based off of mutual worship of a pastor or famous person within the church, it's not based on true fellowship - oneness of spirit and worship of God. How would we even create a healthy thriving community of believers? 
       I wish more people would begin asking these questions within themselves. Questions lead to answers and answers lead to solutions/change. This has been my prayer for a while now. We need God answers, God solutions, because what we've been doing as the church hasn't been working. There are to many people left out. There are many who are disconnected and scattered. 
          We've focused on many things as the church, but the main focus that will continue to take shape is, family. Not just your family and my family, but THE family of God. How do we expect individual families to thrive and function when we as a church are not functioning as a family? Family first. 
         I know part of God's role for my husband and I is to, "gather those who have been scattered", as the Lord told us. Many have given up on community, but they have not given up on Jesus. Let us focus and pray about true community, that we may gather together in power, unity and love - transforming family from the inside out.

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