Sunday, March 15, 2009

Finding an Escape

There were times when I shined. Times I truly sparkled, my wings were out, ready to fly but there was no wind, no grace, no hand to hold me. My light grew dim and my heart faint. I faded away, running in fear to hide in my cave where I could be safe. But the time has come when I want out, but is there a road? Am I strong enough to take it if there was? What if I’m not brave enough to spread my wings again? Will I rot away if I stay? To be productive and fruitful is all I want. It’s all I ever wanted but I can’t seem to manage this life. It’s a car that won’t start, a game I can’t play. My hope is in You, Oh Lord it’s always been in You! There were moments I shined, moments when I thought I could fly but things are different now and tears flood my eyes every day. I long to be diffrent but I’ve backed myself into a corner and now all I want to do is escape. Escape life.

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