Saturday, December 29, 2012


   Discouragement. We all experience it. But when we have a relationship with Jesus, the King of Kings He knows exactly how to encourage us. For me, God always sings a song to me. Either as I sleep a song plays over and over, or when I wake up a song comes to me, or in prayer one bubbles us and the lyrics always blow my mind because they hit perfectly.
     Well last night my hubs dreamed my eyes were candles and he kept trying to light them but my tears kept turning them off. I prayed about his dream and "Light in Your eyes"  by LeAnn Rimes began playing in my spirit. Seriously, only GOD knows our hearts and ALWAYS has the perfect words. There is so much comfort knowing God sees me and knows me like no one else. He's such a great father, an amazing King and I will worship Him all my days. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

High School Roles

       I've spend years in church and what I've learned is that the role you had in High School will probably be the same social group you will be drawn to in life, including church. You may not believe me but ask those you consider friends in church. I bet they were in the same group you were in while in High School or reflect your same experience.
        Were you popular? I bet your buddies in church were too. Ask! All the popular people still have the same personality and are still drawn to each other, and acting just as preppy as ever. I'm not saying they are mean, I'm just saying it's the same. The same thing goes with everyone else. This is why there is such a cast system in church. This is why I was drawn to psychology and sociology. I see things differently. I notice things like this. I'm not being judgmental in my blogs. I shed light on these things in hopes that unity will prevail.
         Many times we don't know why we don't click with someone or why we are drawn to others. I'm speaking for myself as well. I was not "popular". I've always had a unique group of friends. I hung out with a little bit of everyone, but never really clicked with the "popular" people. I found myself not clicking with certain people at church and didn't know why. But then I realized who they were. They were the "popular" kids. The personality is still the same. When I realized what it was I was able to change and try and stretch myself for the sake of unity. It's not that anything was wrong with them or me. We just didn't click. We could both mature and grow in areas to help unity.
           Maybe you are "popular" and don't know why you don't click with someone. Well I'm telling you, it's probably because they fall into a different group which is most easily seen in high school where the cast system is more accepted, easily seen and less taboo. You see, in High School the group you fall into is more obviously because jocks have jackets, band people carry their instruments to and from school, cheerleaders wear their outfits and so forth, gothic kids wear black, rockers have the chains and spikes etc. Who we were was more clearly seen outwardly. As we get older most of us all begin looking the same for the most part, but our hearts, our personalities are still in those groups.
          I remember this one lady snubbed me at church. It was odd. I was like "okay?  You work with me!" She was nice but as I got to know her I realized she was a "popular girl". She's a grown women and yet still carries that with her. I could say hi to her but she was not going to address me first. She was drawn to the fashion forward, yuppy and those who were just as desperate to keep and maintain popularity. All her friends in church, her group, were all the popular kids in school too. Interesting, right? My tone in this blog is not one of judgment but fascination, so please don't read me wrong.
         There are these unseen social groups we fall into that stop us from truly embracing and loving each other the way we could if we recognized them. Who we were in high school is usually the social group we will fall into as an adult. As a church, though, we should work at ripping those walls down so we can all love each other better. That means dropping our prejudices and allowing people to be who they are and loving them anyway. The only one who knows our heart is God and ourselves. Lets take an honest look and ask what part we can play to promote unity.
         For me I had/have to stop the knee jerk/eye roll reaction I have to a preppy personality. I'm being honest. Many times we do  this to people without realizing it because we've done it so long. The hardest part is being honest with ourselves, after that it's easy. I know you just like me want to love people well. We only need to see what's hindering us and move it out of the way. :-)

Leaving Church?

     Before reading this please read the blog I posted before this one. It's a link to an article from Charisma.
       Now since you've read the article lets move forward to my blog and thoughts. I love this article. It's my hubs and my heart. The Lord asked us to start a bible study in our home for this reason. So many loving people who are discouraged about church (building) but still want fellowship - a safe place to share life with other believers.
       It's easy to demonize those who leave church but it's not an accurate view of those who leave. Many are God fearing and loyally in love with Jesus. Plus, demonizing them and calling them names is only going to push those who left farther away, proving in their minds/hearts why their leaving to begin with. 
     A few people commented on this article on Facebook saying those who left must not know Jesus or they must be focusing on the perfection of the pastor and not on Jesus and etc. But I don't think this is the case. Many I've talked to are discouraged about the people in church. They can't connect or break through. The New Testament is full of wisdom on how to get along and grow a thriving community of faith but you hardly hear pastors teaching on it. The apostles were no stranger to this. Much of the New Testament we read about them teaching people how to get along. It seems in today's church the normal people are leaving because of the misbehavior and unbalanced behavior of those within that never get corrected because everyone else is suppose to get over it. But the apostles did not have this attitude. So why do some of today's apostles exhibit this "toughen up" solution?
       Anywhere you have a group of people there will be issues because we are all different, but the key is allowing people to be open and honest so peace can be made. All to often people leave because they didn't feel safe enough to express their hurt either because of a lack of intimacy or a "get over it attitude" by those in the church. Unresolved issues cause people to pack up. Maybe the church is more focused on numbers and fame then on really touching people's lives and getting their hands dirty? If we are to help people and promote and thriving church fellowship our hands will have to get dirty sometimes.
        The bible says if we put in the work we will reap the benefits of a thriving community within our churches. But anytime someone mentions something that's tripping up the ultimate goal of unity they are told to toughen up, get over it and then they are isolated... so they leave. It's almost as if having a fake image of unity is more accepted then truly working toward the real thing. 
        People go to church for fellowship, family and connection and when they are lonely they won't stay. Church goers will say, "You have to go to church, you need accountability and relationship etc" but those who left are like, " I never got any of that at church just more rejection. What are you talking about?" You're either in or your out. Those who are in don't understand why those who are out feel the way they do and vise versa. The experience is quite different depending if your in or out. For this reason we can't be judgmental about people's experiences because each can be true at the same time.
       Sadly all to often if you are out and end up leaving you are then called rebellious. Rebellious is a word used to control those who don't fit our agenda. Many are tired of the social games, cliques, agendas.. and they simply want Jesus. How is this rebellious? I believe these small home churches the article mentions are God sent. I call them safe houses. They gather those who have been scattered and help heal their wounds.
       Another issues that's causing people to leave is charismatic abuse. I've heard so many heart breaking stories, experienced some and witnessed some. It's really turned us off from many charismatic places, which is unfortunate. I am spirit filled, but someone of the forcefulness of the charismatic movement has traumatized many including myself. That's why I believe my hubs and I would provide a safe place for fellowship within our home because we know what it's like on the other end.
    It's not surprising that within the comments the article received on Facebook how the attitude many face within the church surfaced. We express hurt and open our hearts about what's pushing us away and some still comment with flip quick remarks like, "Here's a simple solution: follow Christ.." Most people in church know to follow Christ and to look at Jesus. To say this simply proves that some don't want to be bothered. They are satisfied and don't want anyone messing up their perfect experience. The truth is as the article mentions this is a huge issue and many are leaving the church (building). Obviously, the flip remarks and the "just get over it attitude" is not a solution. Another poster said about those leaving church, "Perhaps, it is because the people in question are not truly Christian."  and a lady responded, "Not necessarily true. I have left church but not God. The churches I have attended are either dead and irrelevant, or too crazy charasmatic. Real bible teaching is practically non-existent. Fellowship...what fellowship! I've attended church (several different ones) for over 10 years and have no one in any of those churches I am in contact with. Cliques and groups rule. Not interested." I'd have to agree with the ladies response. How are we going to again demonize those who leave by saying they are not Christians? Instead we should look in the mirror and ask why are they leaving? Switching churches is hard, it's not fun. If people are leaving there are reasons. It would be wise to listen to those reasons, pray about them and see if God would have a solution or better way for us next time.
    Several people who commented got it right, in my opinion. They said, "Are they really leaving the Church? Or are they leaving traditional religion, manipulating organizations in search of a deeper truer relationship with God. Some are being called into "New wineskins." and " I think the heart of the article is not that people are leaving "church" but many are 'becomeing the Church" more in small simple fellowships then in big buildings... more like the original "Church"...
      I don't want anyone who reads this to think I'm against church (building) because that's not true. Even in our Bible studies I'll always encourage people to find a church or be faithful at the churches they are in. There are lots of great churches out there but no perfect church. Remember churches are hospitals for the hurting and everyone is welcome, therefore you will not always have the experience you hope for all the time. The key is having leadership that addresses issues, builds bridges and creates an atmosphere were hurt is safe to expose and be healed. The question is not if you will get hurt it's when. And when you do does your church promote healing,forgiveness and unity? Or does it sweep it under the rug, tell you to toughen up, and act careless to things hindering fellowship?

Why Are So Many Christians Quitting Church?

Why Are So Many Christians Quitting Church?

Friday, November 16, 2012

I've misssed you!

    Hey friends! I've missed blogging. So much has been going on this past few weeks. My hubs and I bought a house! Between moving, living at my parents while refinishing wood floors and painting, then settling into our house, painting some more, unpacking, fixing the fence so our Basset Hound wont escape, decorating and more, I've been super busy. Through it all I was still inspired to write several blogs, but it's been hard to focus and finish them. I took notes on my phone so I hope to post some inspiration soon. I even started a few but saved them as a "draft". I haven't even had time to sit down and truly focus on my editor's edits on my 3rd book (2nd in the Notes for the Goats series). I can't wait to touch it up and publish it...finally. :-) Love and miss y'all.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Who you are

Eyes of Man

"What God considers His chosen is rarely if ever adequate in the eyes of man."

       Have you ever been picked by God to do something, be somewhere, be apart of a team etc and yet those surrounding the very place God's called you make it clear you're not adequate - you're not enough and you're not wanted. People don't have to come out and say, "I don't like you" for you to know you're unwanted. Their lack of consideration, sharpness, hard exterior make it clear.
      When God chooses to use someone, He's not thinking about what man thinks about. When we want to fill a spot of some sort (job, friendship etc) we often think of earthly things like looks. Does the person look the part? We also think about personality. Does this person click with me? When God looks at filling a spot He sees deep into a person's heart. It's the heart that qualifies. 
        We often miss out on knowing special people that could truly bless us and us them because our qualifications are way off and eternally meaningless. Choosing our pick over God's pick will throw everything off because the person's heart does not line up with what God's trying to sow or counter act. The Lord uses people to bless and He may see something we don't. He knows what we need in our lives, our families lives or companies to insure we continue flourishing on  the right path. But we often want what's comfortable and normal, but it's those very things God tries to cleanse us of.
       Our automatic reaction when seeing someone that does not belong is to criticize. We begin to wonder who made a mistake and allowed this person in our circle? If it's a job maybe the person who gave the recommendation made a mistake. If it's a friendship maybe we made the mistake. Either way we begin trying to figure how this "mistake" got here, and even how to get rid of them.
       I've learned over the years that it's very hard to cross over into different circles and areas where you stick out like a sore thumb. It's difficult because there are a number of unseen road blocks, hurdles, and  social check points. If you haven't been groomed correctly there is no way to continue when one of these blockages occur. It's for this reason when someone odd or out of place shows up in my life I try to find the purpose behind their presence. There has to be a reason. They obviously didn't get here by themselves.I try to keep an open mind, but most importantly an open heart.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Who would have guessed?

“Saul among the prophets! Who would have guessed?!” 
-1 Samuel 10 THE MESSAGE

       Who would have guessed? When the Spirit of God comes upon someone things change!Those who previously knew you will be shocked. No one expected YOU of all people to be lifted to such a place of honor and used powerfully by God.
       "When Saul and his party got to Gibeah, there were the prophets, right in front of them! Before he knew it, the Spirit of God came on Saul and he was prophesying right along with them. When those who had previously known Saul saw him prophesying with the prophets, they were totally surprised. “What’s going on here? What’s come over the son of Kish? How on earth did Saul get to be a prophet?” One man spoke up and said, “Who started this? Where did these people ever come from?” - 1 Samuel 10:10-12 THE MESSAGE 
      It's so tempting to be a doubter when something good happens for someone who hasn't lived in a way we think is deserving of honor and promotion. I love the part where those who knew Saul say, "How on earth did Saul get to be a prophet?" (haha) Isn't that the truth! We say that out loud with our friends or in our minds when we see someone lifted up that we judge as less than. But that's what happens with God. People don't get it, but God does what He wants.

 Insert your name, "How on earth did _____ get to be a ____?" 

      Be filled with hope! People may say the same about you one day, "How on earth...?" or "Who would of guessed!"  when God uses you in an unexpected way. I believe God loves shocking us with His choices. It shakes up our religious minds and rips apart the boxes we've made for Him and man. We have a habit of categorizing people and filing them stereotypically, so when God does something unexpected with them we're like, "Wait! What? Whoa!!!" I've been guilty of saying, "Who? Him? Are you sure?" When we learn to embrace God's ways (which are higher than ours), we can truly be excited when unexpected people are used in unexpected ways.  
        You see, when God breaks our rules, and smashes our boxes and uses people no one thought could be used it should fill us with hope that the same is possible for us!

Who would have guessed!!! :-) 

Monday, October 8, 2012

He's the finisher

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6 (NLT)

      This verse really encouraged me today. I'm so thankful we are not the ones "finishing" the work started in us. I think sometimes we forget it's God who began it, and it's God who will finish it. We wont always have good days, or even good seasons. It's those times when we really need to know who the worker is in our lives. If we believe it is ourselves we may be left feeling depressed, hopeless and regretful, but when we know God is the one who began the good work within us, and He will finish it, we are left feeling hopeful. It takes the pressure off. Our job is to delight in the Lord, to enjoy Him, spend time with Him and remain in Him. 
        He's the beginner and finisher.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Happy 1yr Anniversary

"Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village. Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority..." - Mark 6:7 NIV  

     Wowzers! It's our 1 year anniversary today! I can't believe we've been married a whole year already, where did the time go? I'm the luckiest girl in the whole world. God blessed me beyond measure when He allowed my best friend and I to get married.
     So many changes have already taken place and some still around the corner (like our first house). Marriage is so special when the one you marry is actually your friend. We are able to be silly, childish and have fun with each other. We have so much in common as friends usually do. It keeps us connected in may ways. I feel one with my husband. He is mine and I am his, connected at the hip. We catch ourselves calling each other at the same time, thinking the same thoughts and feeling what the other is feeling. I can imagine how much our connection will grow as the years continue. (It helps that we were friends for 9-10 yrs before we got married ;-) lol )
       As I shared before in another post we've been house hunting. We actually found a house and should be getting the keys any day now. We are excited to start our 2nd year of marriage in a house.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Steady Rain

       I believe God is gentle with people, like a nice steady rain - at least He's always been faithful gentle with me.  Sometimes we are more like fire hoses toward people, painfully blasting them & spraying them down. We actually end up injuring and traumatizing people with the very things that are meant to bring healing. Then we wonder why people cower and crawl away. All the while we conveniently don't see  the red blotches we gave them from the painful water pressure we applied.
        I've seen many gifted prophetic people do this. They may be old in age but they are still young in their gift. The very gift given to bring hope and healing ends up causing the hurting to bleed more. They use their gift to spiritually strip people naked but never offer new clothes, a blanket or even a towel for them to cover up. And we wonder why they leave our church, our ministry, our friendship etc. No one wants to remain naked. They pack their bags and move on to a place that feels more safe.
       The "fire hose" approach is not just used in ministry, but we can get into a habit of using it in our families because we are comfortable. It's easy to get harsh, allowing our rough edges to remain. I remember my hubs and I got in a little disagreement and I got an attitude about it. The Lord spoke to my heart and said, "Do I treat you that way?" and I was quickly humbled. Not only does God NOT treat me that way. He also does not treat others that way.
        Does God blast us? Is He impatient? Rude? Unkind? Exposing? Causing us shame, fear or humiliation? No way! He is gentle with us!  If the God of the universe does not brutally spray us down with a fire hose, why do we feel justified in dishing that out to others? We should be a gentle, steady rain - refreshing and healing. It should sooth all it touches, not leave welts. :-)
        As the years go by and I continue to grow in my relationship with God, I'm seeing more and more how gentle and kind He is towards me. It makes me want to give the same away to others.  We can be firm yet gentle, solid yet gentle, sold out yet gentle. Being gentle does not mean you are wishy washy, two faced or weak. It means we apply everything with love and leave lots of room for grace and mercy, knowing that everyone is on a journey becoming more like Jesus. It's a process.
           The world is harsh enough. Lets be a safe place - a soft and steady rain.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gifts are free

Gifts are free but maturity is expensive. - Bill Johnson

     Have truer words been spoken? Maturity is expensive because it costs us something. It costs us our impulses, need to be right, fighting dirty, standing up for ourselves, going first and being the center of attention. Maturity asks us to do what's right when no one is watching. It asks us to take the high road and take a few undeserved hits without throwing a fit. Maturity tells us we may not get credit for everything we put forth, but we are to act mature anyway. Others may get the applause for our work. Someone else may get the position we were up next for. We may feel gypped and overlooked, but we are maturing. It's expensive. 
      The maturity test always seem harder to pass when we are stressed. I know in my personal life I'm going through a lot this season. So many changes! I'm a few weeks away from my 1 year anniversary with my hubs, we were house hunting, now packing, dealing with lenders, trying to line up the end of our lease date and moving date to new house, looking for appliances (since we have none) and more. There is a lot on my mind this month which is making it much easier to fly off the handle bars over little things that never used to trip me up. Have you been there? But through the clutter and blessings of this season I know I'm building character. I'm maturing. I'm pumping iron. I'm growing. 
      Most of us have come across a gifted person without maturity. Their gift is more like a machine gun or axe, instead of an instrument for healing and blessing. They usually inflict pain and more trauma onto people than restoration and direction. Their gift is more of a blessing to themselves than to others. This happens by taking the easy road, the road of least resistance.
        When I'm faced with a situation that stirs me up and I have the opportunity to act out or walk in maturity I sometimes have to remind myself, "Are my gifts baby toys? Or are my gifts powerful tools that have the ability to do great things in and through people because of the Holy Spirit?" Every injustice, every obstacle we face gives us a chance to grow in maturity or to regress. The choice is always ours. Sometimes I must admit, throwing a fit would feel so much better - very self indulgent. But taking the higher road, though self sacrificing, always pays off more in the end. Keeping the end in mind will help keep us from acting hastily with selfish passions.
       I find joy in knowing every time I practice self restraint, bite my tongue and love when I'm being hated on, that I'm growing into the mature person God wants me to be. And just like a seed takes time to grow, eventually I will see the fruit of the good choices I've made, and so will you. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dog Ranch for People too :-)

      Throughout my life there has only been a few things I've been passion about like,  Jesus, animals, art, writing, healing homosexuality,helping homeless people, dreams, and few others here and there. Thankfully God has allowed me to walk in one of my passions as an author. I've published 2, soon to be 3 books (and many more in the works). I'm grateful that the Holy Spirit deposits books in me.       
        Besides being an author/writer I'd like to open a "Dog Ranch" tag line "His eye is on the sparrow, so I know He watches me". This ranch would combine several things I love - helping hurting people, the country and animals (dogs). We'd provide housing for hurting people (homeless people maybe, or drug addicts, sex addicts etc) and rehabilitate them. These people would work on the ranch taking care of the homeless dogs that we rescue from shelters (before they are euthanized). Animals have a way of healing people and bringing joy in ways other things can't, that's why they are taken to hospitals, nursing homes and schools. Allowing the hurting people to care for the dogs would allow both human and dog to heal deep within their hearts.
       The ranch would provide Christian counseling, church services and activities, discipleship programs and more for those staying there. The possibilities are endless. We could even grow pumpkins and Christmas trees to raise money each season (another activity they can learn and take part in). We will also have adoption events to adopt out the dogs they have helped train and nurture back to health. They can study and learn about dogs and lead obedience classes for the new owners as well. This will allow them to walk in leadership roles and have more responsibilities. As they transition out of our ranch and into the real world they can also adopt a dog they've grown close to throughout their healing process. It would be neat if the dog they bonded with could stay in their cabin with them as a buddy (just depends on living environment). Our ranch will help them find jobs and find a stable safe home. We will also have people who will check in on them throughout the years to make sure everything is going smoothly and provide additional counseling. We'd have to hire people that LOVE people and LOVE animals.
     Honestly I have no idea how this vision will come to pass, but I wanted to blog it because it's been in me for so long. I wanted to officially write it down. When I picture the ranch in my head. I see a hunter green barn and white trim, but that's cosmetic and God may have something else in mind. I see lots of open land, I see open areas for  the dogs to run, also cabins where our residence will live, and counseling center and a sanctuary where we can have Christian bands come and speakers to minister to those living there. I also see a farming area where we grow seasonal things to sell.
       Taking care of dogs in a shelter type setting takes lots of work. So we would pay our residence a small amount to teach them how to handle money, with an assigned "mentor" to hold their hand during beginning stages. The money they earn while working (cleaning, walking, training, etc)  will be saved up for when they transition out of our facility (for a used car or emergency funds when living on their own). This way they don't fall back into their old cycle of lack and defeat.
       Lord willing this vision will come to pass. My hubs and I love people and love dogs. God can do anything. I pray He sends us a dream and shows us if, when and how. As for now I'm glad to have this finally posted somewhere. :-)

Monday, September 24, 2012

God is general, Jesus brings clarity!

"Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like you— majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?" - Exodus 15:11 NIV

      Who is your god? The word "god" can refer to different things, depending on who you speak with, but the name of Jesus brings clarity. I'm always weary when I hear people say, "I believe in God." and then Christians quickly embrace it as if  the person is saying they are a Christian. The word god can be thrown out numerous times, but when the name of Jesus is used, a line is drawn in the sand. 
      For example, I was watching Katy Perry's movie. I heard she was a "christian" and that the movie was really good. But when I watched, all I saw was a girl who rejected the God of her parents and made her own god (Her parents were powerful traveling pentecostal ministers when she was growing up). When she spoke about her relationship with god in the movie she never mentioned Jesus. I've personally never heard her mention faith in Jesus in any of her interviews. This is very telling. Also, her songs are sexual in nature (asking boys to show her their "peacock" and stop acting like a female dog), and she mixes biblical truths with weird lyrics about aliens which she says she believes in. 
       What people choose to sing about is very revealing, we shouldn't take it lightly - they are telling us about themselves. "Oh, but Amber she is a Christian! She believes in God." She may believe in a god, but what god? She's walking in deception and leading many astray with her mixed views of God, sex and aliens. Don't get me wrong, she is talented, but we should continue praying that she finds her way along the path of truth. The God of the Bible can meet her where she is.
       At the moment, she comes across as confused with arrested emotional development, which may be her parent's fault. Instead of helping her cultivate a real relationship with God it seems they tried controlling her as a child. But now she's free to think for herself she is testing out many waters and experimenting with many ways of life. We can't mistaken the spotlight on her as a sign of maturity or  approval to follow her in anyway. Her falling away has caused her whole family to backslide. The same thing happened to Jessica Simpson's father who was a pastor, and has now been arrested for a DUI. When we support singers like this we are supporting the downfall that's actually ruined their families and their spiritual heritage. Anyways, I've strayed from the main point of my post, which is the name of Jesus and the lack of it being mentioned.
        The name of Jesus is powerful and if someone is not using it when describing or announcing their faith it's not on accident. A red flag should go up, and we should realize we are not on the same page when speaking about God. The Bible says no one can say, "Jesus is Lord" without the Holy Spirit. So it's important to listen when people are describing their faith, no matter who they are. God is general, Jesus brings clarity.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

We are the church

     When the act of going to church hinders us from being the church we have problem. In this blog I'd like to address something I've been seeing more of in some circles, and less of in others. Some Christians understand they are the church, and they're building bridges, networking and creating an atmosphere of love that touches more people than a single building could.  
        On the other hand there are still some Christians who have it all wrong this area. They view the church they attend as a team, their team, and they have a "cult" attitude about it. If someone does not go to the building they attend, then they wont associate with them, even if they used to associate with them. 
      Where we attend Sunday is a building where,  WE - the church - the people of God meet. We are the church, the church is not the building. This is why the "cult" attitude makes no sense. 
       I've unfortunately had to switch churches several times in my lifetime.  It's not an easy experience, especially when those you've grown to love have a "cult" mindset and not a "church family" mindset. A cult mindset says, "If you don't go to my church then I wont respond to you anymore. I wont help you, I wont be friends with you. Don't call, smile, facebook or email me because I will ignore you". That's what cults do. You're either in or you're out. That's not how WE the church should be.
       A Christian with a true church mindset, who understands we are the church says, "You may go to another building, but we are still family in Christ. You are my brother/sister in the Lord. You may fellowship in another part of town, but we are still connected. We can still fellowship together." These Christians understand that Christ in us makes us the church and not the buildings we attend on Sunday.
    Christians who understand this are doing wonderful things. They are reaping the rewards of bridge building across city, state, country lines. Christians who don't understand this are sadly still adding to the problem by building walls instead of bridges, isolating instead of including, writing off instead of embracing. Those people will be shocked when they get to heaven and see that their "church" does not have a reserved section and they are mixed together with everyone.
         We will not see a red team, blue team, green team, yellow team and white team in Heaven. We are the team! United or divided that is our choice here on earth, but in heaven unity is the only way.We are the church, we are one team, one family, one people of God that just happen to fellowship at different buildings.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Divided Loyalty

 " ... But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do." - James 1:5-8 NLT 

    Is loyalty important to you? Whether you're dealing with a team sport, business group, friendships or even family situations, a lack of loyalty can be viewed as major betrayal. As humans, most of us want some degree of loyalty from those we do life with. Where does this come from?
    I believe God desires loyalty from us as well. He desires an undivided heart from us, fully committed to Him. When we live in compromise we are flirting with the opposite team. Is this loyalty to God? Our heart is divided. How must God feel when we carelessly live this way?  
      When we accept the doctor's word over God, is our faith in Him alone? When we trust in medicines, counselors, our friends, jobs, ourselves etc. instead of God, where is our faith? Miracles happen when we dive in head first and say, "God you're it! You are all I have! My faith is in you alone." Refusing to look left or right, knowing every good thing comes from above, not the works of our hands. 
    I love reading about past revivalists - mighty men of God who were used to start waves of miracles. I also love reading about past pastors and their day to day triumphs, struggles and thoughts on the Bible. It's fascinating how many of the things they wrestling with or notice in the church are still true today. One book I'm reading (slowly) is, "Divine Healing" by Andrew Murray (1828-1917). Andrew mentions in his book how he believes many miss out on divine healing because the growing availability of medicine. It's easier for people to trust in it, rather than God. Which brings me to my point. There are so many things to put our faith in!  God is often looked at as a last resort instead of a first. If this was true in Andrew Murray's day, how much more so now? 
   I believe divided loyalty is one of the main reasons for unanswered prayers. Instead of God being our all in all, He's merely another option on a long list we are wishing upon.  
     As we  journey through this Christian life, we make choices daily that show God where our loyalties belong. Just as we'd want those we love and team up with to be fully committed to us, I believe God desires the same from us. I want my choices to show God that all my loyalty belongs to Him, not because He's a mean task master, but because He loves me and my heart flows with gratitude. This gratitude causes me to want to obey and live undivided in every way for my King. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Shareing the Wealth

    Politics! I don't follow a donkey or an elephant but a LION! I have yet to see a president that represents what I believe the Bible says. There are issues on both sides that I agree and disagree with, but one of the biggest things that gets on my nervs is when Republicans/Christians get heated over the idea of "sharing the wealth".  Now I'm not saying the Democrats would execute this idea in a productive way that would do as much good as it could, but the concept IF done right is Biblical. The thing is it can't be a government forced issue, it needs to be from a transformed heart willing to give. It needs to come from the church.
      We as Christians should be paying for people's health care, food, schooling, and more! I know some don't agree but it's in the Bible. I know many Christians give to other countries and that's great, but we are called to give to those that live among us as well. I feel like so much of our money goes over seas that our own people go without. Read the book of Acts, it shows us what the church should look like.
      "Everyone around was in awe—all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person's need was met" - Acts 2:42-47 THE MESSAGE
     So this entitled attitude from Republican Christians that say people should work hard and do everything on their own is false. We are called to share the wealth! I know this angers many Republicans, but truly, sharing the wealth is a Biblical concept. The problem is here in America we are so used to having our own of everything. "This is my house, my car, my vacation, my college tuition, my health insurance, my family...etc" We've created a little world that's perfect and many of us feel self-righteous about it.
    I did recently come across a Christian health care plan called "MedShare" where Christians come together to pay each others health care bills. Now, I have not researched this company but IF it is what it advertises then that's awesome! Because God's called us to share our wealth! Blessed to be a blessing does not mean just feeding orphans overseas. It means paying for your neighbor's broken down car so he can go to work, it means helping someone out of debt they were forced into to feed their family, paying for an unexpected surgery, offering to bring someone groceries or filling their tank with gas. Pooling our resources so that each person's needs are met! (I'm preaching to myself too).
    Another reason why we see very little of this "sharing the wealth" from today's Christians is because we've all created lives for ourselves that we can not afford. When is enough, enough? My friend's husband got a huge raise at work and now her family is making almost 100k a year. Instead of being happy she said, "If only I could make 1k a month more, THEN we could bless people." Are you kidding me? Sadly this is the state of many wealthy Christians in America. We think God's provision means we will live like Hollywood celebrities, when in fact we are already more wealthy then most people.
      Our ideas of prosperity are twisted. God does not give us more money to buy more STUFF. He gives us more money to give it away and bless others. *think about that* :-)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What is a friend?

     Facebook has been very revealing. It's been a blessing and a burden. You get to see who your friends truly are and who they are not. Definitely bitter sweet. What is a friend? What are some qualities that makes someone a good friend? What are some of the things you expect from your friends? When I call someone a friend it means a lot. I expect my friends to be supportive, responsive and available.
       Facebook reveals people's hearts. You may invite your "friend" out to lunch and your "friend" ignores your post for weeks, yet when someone else invites them they respond within minutes. Revealing, right? You may start a business page or fan page in order to bring attention to your work and yet only half your "friends" bother showing any support even though you've made a point to advertise it several times. Revealing, right? The different revealing scenarios is endless, but each just as painful when you realize what's been uncovered, which is, your "friend" doesn't really like you and is probably not your "friend" at all. Just someone who is polite when they see you in person.
       I have two facebook pages. The 1st page is for everyone who adds me. It's pretty general and I use it for ministry. I have several thousand friends on there and I don't expect much, though I'm continually surprised at how much more supportive strangers are than people I actually know. My 2nd page is for people I know in person - it's more personal. I share about my personal life and post pictures of my family. I have several hundred friends on there, but I'm constantly cleaning it out. I expect more from people on that page. They are suppose to be those closest to me. I don't want people to simply spy on my life and yet there heart be far from me.
       People whose heart's are far from you are usually not supportive (though they may not outwardly say so, their actions speak loud and clear), they are not responsive, and never available (in anyway). Yet they spy on your life through Facebook. I don't have time for these relationships. As I find out who these people are I delete them. They can remain friends with me on my 1st page (the general one).
       Technology has changed relationships in a big way. We can not ignore it's effects. School, church and business relationships are touched by online social networking. Friendships will either be strengthened or thrown away many times solely based on interactions online. I believe this is because in person people can wear a "face" and be fake, whereas online you must take actions either by responding, participating or joining. It's made blatantly obvious when you don't which then reveals you were merely wearing your "face" in person. Facebook shows everyone you're "friends" with every time you interact with other people you are "friends" with. Those you really don't like soon begin to wonder, "hmm, they interact with everyone else. I guess they don't want to interact with me. Are we friends?" Sad but true.
       Many of relationships are shattered because of the freedoms online. I'm not sure people fully know how to manage these freedoms for the good of all yet, or realize how revealing their actions or lack of actions are (unless of course you are the one being rejected, in that case, you realize it all to well *hugs*).
     Anyways, I guess as I get older I expect more from those I allow close to me. I've never been one to stick around were I felt unwanted or cling to people that didn't have a desire to cling back. :-) Friendship needs to be mutual. Friends should be equally excited about each other and equally willing to meet in the middle and sometimes give more than they are getting. So for me I'm thankful for the revealing aspect of Facebook, though it's caused many tears I feel the pruning always makes me stronger and more secure with the love I do have from those that truly love me and I them. :-)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Calculated Risks

      Sometimes we need to take a calculated risk, in faith. Not all risks are wise. Some are careless and cause more trouble than good, but there are times when we need to calculate the cost, evaluate the circumstances and GO FOR IT. Risks can pay off handsomely when wisdom is used.
     I was reading an autobiography of a famous women. She went on and on about one divine connection after another and she wasn't particularly spiritual. I began to wonder how did all this happen for her? I realized she lived a spontaneous life. She was willing to change her plans, go on a whim and jump at anything. Her risks paid off every time. It got me thinking, "I'm playing it way too safe!".  With God on my side and I on His, I should be taking more chances, in faith. 
       When I take a risk I know logically all the dots don't connect and God will have to step in if this risk is to turn into a success story. I know I'm leaving dry land and stepping on water. It's in those places where we exercise our faith - like weight lifting! Let's pump some iron!
       I'm an over thinker. I like to prepare. I like to know what's next. I like to do good and follow the rules when I can. I'm not very good at being spontaneous or taking risks in faith. My husband on the other hand is extroverted, spontaneous, lighthearted and free in ways I'm not.The Lord has been teaching me to embrace my husbands differences as a good thing. He brings balance to me. The Lord has funneled many blessing through my husband's fun loving, easy going personality - blessings I would have missed out on because I wouldn't have jumped.
        A calculated risk means you've done your part. You've obeyed the Lord. You've acted with wisdom and wise counsel and then decide to take a few steps beyond what's safe. You test the waters to see if these are waters the Lord's called you to walk on. Many times we stay on dry land and cry out for more, when the Lord is saying "Come to me, walk out here with me."
        What chances and risks is God beckoning you to take today? Do you trust Him? Are you courageous? If we live our lives safe, only extending ourselves where logic says we can, we will never see God increase us. It's when we step out, expecting our Lord to meet us, that He actual does. Are you giving Him a chance to do super natural things in your life? Or are you playing it way too safe?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Right fighters

        Some Christians want to argue about everything when it comes to the Bible. They feel it's their job to tell everyone how incorrect their theology is, whether it's more grace or less grace, pharisee this or pharisee that and blah blah blah, it's always something. They are simply allowing the enemy to use them as a distraction. If ministries spent time defending themselves against each and every Christian like this they'd do nothing else because it would be a full time job. Plus, these people usually argue over scriptures they've taken out of context and bring a spirit of confusion into every debate. No one could possible have it right, except them.
           The Bible itself is not confusing, it's written at a 4th grade reading level. It says what it means and means what it says. We make the Bible confusing by adding and taking away what we want to fit our own theology. Instead we should allow the Bible to form what we think, not use the Bible to prove what we already think.
           When we use scriptures out of context and have a "take this verse but not that verse" mentality it's usually because we are trying to defending something in our own life. Whether we are living in open sin, or want to be right in some area, we ignore scriptures that challenge us and embrace those that accept what we love.What's the point of living this way? Following Jesus is all about transformation, new birth, new life, redemption. If we only want to embrace scriptures that defend our old ways, what's the point?
            Let's read the Bible with an open and honest heart. Let's see it for what it is and allow the Holy Spirit to do whatever work in us that He wishes.
            There was this one guy that would always try argue about scriptures. It seemed any scripture with the slightest hint of correction was considered a "Pharisees" verse to him and he'd dismiss it completely and argue with anyone that mentioned it, even if the verse was from the New Testament. The thing is he lived in all sorts of open sinful behavior with no desire to change. He'd cause these huge debates, and confront anyone who embraced a verse he didn't simply because he was on a mission to prove his way was right in order to sooth his own conscious.
         What is the point of trying to defend or explain your views to someone like this? It's really not about you, but his heart. You could debate until you were blue in the face it wouldn't make a difference. That's why ministers can't debate everyone that rises up against them, because many times it's not about the ministry, it's about the other person's heart. They are trying to find peace within themselves about their lifestyle.
              The New Testament is full of scriptures about living holy and grace. You can't eliminate one or the other, but those who want to debate are usually those who have chosen one or the other. I really don't understand it. Wouldn't you want to know God for who He is, not just who you want Him to be? I do. Why is holiness such a bad thing? Why is grace so scary to some people? Both are amazing. Both are needed and both are true throughout the New Testament.
                If we find that we disagree with someone's ministry it's best we settle in our hearts to "agree to disagree". Arguing and debating only brings out the ugliness in both sides and is a huge disservices to the body of Christ. Plus it's a waste of time because neither of us are truly trying to understand the other person's point of view, we are only trying to "win".
                  When I was younger I'd debate with people a lot. I thought it was the right thing to do until I believe God showed me the very thing I'm sharing in this blog.  It's better to ignore or separate yourself from people that have a need to prove something all the time. It will consume your time, energy and emotions and stop you from being productive in the area of ministry God's placed you. 
              Don't mistakenly make the focus of your ministry about fighting everyone else - trying to discredit other people. On the other hand, if you are the one coming under attack don't wast your ministry by defending yourselves to everyone who rises against you. God lifts up and pulls down. We should focus on doing what He's called us to do with integrity and leave the rest up to Him.

Worship Wednesday

They will know by Jason Upton

Monday, August 20, 2012

We pray and surrender

         My hubs and I have been house hunting the past few weeks. If you've ever house hunted you know the emotional roller coaster it takes you on. "I love this house!", "No, I love THIS house", "Agh! I hate this house, umm, wait, no I change my mind I LOVE it" not to mention the countless houses you love online but are sold before you get to see them. The mixed emotions that come with finding a place to dig roots and start a family is exhausting. Thankfully I have God and I'm not left to my own wishy-washy feelings.
        Before we started this process we committed our ways to the Lord. We agreed we would pray about every step. We believe,"The steps of the Godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of theirs lives." and if we "Seek His will in all we do He will show us which path to take." The Bible also says, "He (God) determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live." Being confident in God's desires to lead us we have laid every house we've loved at His feet. He has closed every door thus far. Of course we could have pushed our way through, but we fear the Lord and honor Him, so we humbly bow and let go, no matter how emotionally connected we've become to a house. He has something better.
        No matter how many times we tell ourselves not to get attached to a house it still happens. Our minds begin filling the house with our stuff, we envision our future kids playing, inviting guests over for dinner, holding Bible studies, watching our dog run in the yard. So it's painful when a door closes. It's as if a part of you is being ripped away. The good part is ultimately after a few tears and words of encouragement to one another, we know God is control. We don't submit our ways to Him because He forces us to, we do it because we want to. Because we trust Him. He knows best.
       When we pray and surrender our will for God's will. We know we're risking losing things we think we want. Though painful, we are soon pleasantly surprised when He gives us more than we expected. He blesses us with things we  truly want and need, but didn't recognize. 
       This is the confidence we have in our God. He has good plans for us. This goes for every area of our lives. When we pray, we are taking a risk, but the risk is worth it because the things we lose are replaced with things He knows we'll love. It's a choice. My hubs and I have chosen to be people of prayer. People led by the Holy Spirit and people that allow God to give and take away as he pleases. 
       House hunting has been tough because our emotions continually getting in the way, but God has been faithfully keeping our paths straight. We know at the end of this we will be planted exactly where He wants us.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Do not be anxious...

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
~ Philippians 4:6-7

Friday, August 3, 2012

Real Wisdom

Real wisdom, God's wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor. - James 3:17 THE MESSAGE

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Worship Wednesday- We are an ark

"My eyes have not seen, my ears have not heard, what you've prepared for me. I can't comprehend what you have spent. You gave your life for me. I am an ark of your glory, we are an ark of your glory. You make your home in me."

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Above all else...

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
~Proverbs 4:23

The tools of our trade....

The world doesn't fight fair. But we don't live or fight our battles that way—never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren't for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity. - 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 THE MESSAGE

Monday, July 30, 2012

What a friend we have in Jesus

"What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer.
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In his arms he'll take and shield thee;
thou wilt find a solace there."

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Setting ourselves free

          Okay wait, wait, wait! Before anyone sends me a mean e-mail about how Jesus is the only one who can set us free let me explain where I'm going with this.
         Yesterday, I happened to see an episode of "The Glee Project". In this reality show teens and young adults compete to win a 7 episode spot on the show Glee. In this random episode, I happened to catch, the judges/mentors were telling young, beautiful, shy Nellie that they're tired of encouraging her. They said it seemed as if they were begging her to be on the show instead of her fighting to be on the show like the rest of the contestants.
          The show then flashed back to other episode's clips where the judges were pumping her with affirmation and pushing her forward over and over again. Yet, in her present moment she still lacked confidence and seemed disconnected. Her lack of enthusiasm puts her in the bottom 3, where she now has to sing a song the judges have picked in order for her to convince them to save her. As she hits the stage, her demeanor changes, and as she begins to sing she transforms into a different person. Her voice is mysterious and passionate. The judges are obviously moved.
         After she finishes, the judges begin to question her about the drastic change that seems to always happen when she sings. They ask her if she loves singing on stage as a solo artist more than she loves acting. Her transformation speaks for itself. The judges deliberate and post their decisions. The bottom 3 contestants look at the board and beautiful Nellie has been cut. She says her tearful goodbyes and leaves the show.
          Throughout the show, it seemed like Nellie was holding on to this idea about being an actor. Holding on to this idea was obviously torturing her but she never pin-pointed it as the source of her struggles. When she didn't worry about acting and got the chance to sing, she moved people. It was this "acting" image she was clinging to that was building a wall - it didn't fit her.
          When something doesn't fit, instead of trying to hem it, take it in and adjust it countless times in order to force fit it, it's better to simply take it off. When she finally took it off and sang, you could see what truly fit her - like a glove I might say.
         How many things in life do we hold on to, try to squeeze ourselves into, or lie saying it fits when it's way too big, that would be better thrown away. We have to set ourselves free and release it. I remember when I was in school for Christian Counseling; I could have forced my way into the field, or I could be real with myself and let it go.
         We all fit somewhere, but we won’t find it if we are desperately trying to fit where we don't belong. Sometimes other people can see where we fit better than we can and notice before we do when we don't fit, just like Nellie. When we've invested so much into something it's hard to admit that maybe it's time to walk away, but setting ourselves free is the best thing we can do. Until we are honest about what fits, we won’t be able to put on what truly does.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sean Frizzell - Spontaneous

Make our praise like perfume!! So beautiful!! Our praise ministers to God!! I dreamed a few months ago that my husband was worshiping along the sea shore of a beautiful beach. Then I saw the image of large feet in the sky/clouds and the Lord said that my husband's praise was like oil on His feet!! ♥ Your praise matters!! God can't worship Himself! If we don't cry out the rocks will sing His praise.

Monday, July 23, 2012

What is success anyway?

 "Success. A word to be suspicious of. Especially in the church. Jesus never talked about success in the typically American way."- Brain Zahnd

       What is success? If we don't recognize our false ideas about success and reveal His accurate idea of success we risk living our lives frustrated. False ideas of success keep us striving for something other than what we have. It keeps us from truly embracing our life and living each moment to the fullest. 
        Often when someone says the American idea of success is twisted and not biblical people get upset. They automatically think we are saying God wants you poor, lacking influence and defeated which isn't the case.
       What does success look like to you? What does success look like in the Bible? If we don't ask ourselves this question we risk trying to use God as a "get rich quick scheme" and then getting mad when He doesn't respond. We also risk prostituting our gifts and talents for the kingdom of darkness, instead of light. I heard it once said, "When the gifted get frustrated and become impatient with God's promise, the devil presents his form of promise called com-promise."
        If you have a false idea of success in your heard, you will get frustrated and become impatient because nothing is lining up with your false imagination, which is the perfect time for the enemy to present what you want, on his terms.
        When our ideas of success line up with God's then we can dream and imagine because our heart is in line with His heart. So I challenge you to read the New Testament and think of how it applies to you. How can you incorporate God's word in your day to day life? And how does the Bible redesign your ideas of success?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Commit Your Actions

People may be pure in their own eyes,
    but the Lord examines their motives.
Commit your actions to the Lord,
    and your plans will succeed.
-Proverbs 16:2-3 NLT

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Picking up where we left off :-)

               I love it when I run into an old friend and we are able to pick up right where we left off. There's no judgment or walls to climb over, only smiles and laughs. I love people who are able to do that. It's refreshing. My husband and I are like this- easy going, forgiving, willing to laugh and chat with people we haven't seen in years. It's a choice and for the most part we willingly keep our hearts open.
              It's always awkward to run into someone who is not like this. There is a weird tension in the air. Some people live a lifestyle of making people jump through hoops to earn their smiles and friendly conversation, but life's too short. My hubs and I could live that way as well, but it's not worth missing out on connecting with God's creations.
            Each moment, no matter how random or scarce, is special to us. Maybe we haven't seen someone in years, and after we randomly run into each other we wont see them for several more years, so what. Our heart is open to connect in that moment. It's fun. It's exciting.
             Allowing yourself to pick up where you left off is a gift you give yourself and others. It's special and worth giving. I always walk away energized. We were blessed with such a moment today. The laughs and  fresh conversation were truly a blessing.

Monday, July 9, 2012


    ."And they replied, “We both had dreams last night,
but no one can tell us what they mean.”
“Interpreting dreams is God’s business,” Joseph replied.
“Go ahead and tell me your dreams"
- Genesis 40:8 (NLT)      

            Have you ever had a dream? Did you wonder what it meant? There are many different ideas about dreams from secular psychologists saying they are repressed memories, to some Christians saying they are from demons, to other Christians saying they are from God and other people saying they are caused from eating greasy food after midnight. With all these different ideas, how do we know what to believe?
             As a Christ follower, I believe some dreams come from the Lord. He is a dream giver. I've had vivid dreams since I was a child. They've always been a part of my life. Ever since I can remember, I've had interesting spiritual experiences. Are you the same way?
            Christians who have never had spiritual experiences growing up usually look down on things like dreams because they can't relate, but once you've had a God dream there's no turning back. It's amazing. My favorite dreams are direction dreams. These are dreams where God gives you direction. He spoke to people in the New Testament in this way, guiding them which way to go just as His word promises (Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take - Proverbs 3:6 NLT).
            God led the wise men with dreams. He warned them not to return to Herod with information about baby Jesus, "And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route." - Matthew 2:12 NIV  The truth is God can communicate anything He wants to you through dreams, we only need to pay attention.
           It's troubling that much of the church does not recognize dreams as a Godly experience. I'd understand if the Bible never mentioned dreams, but the Bible is full of dreams. Dreams are not isolated to the Old Testament either; they are consistent throughout the New Testament as well.
          Even after reading New Testament scriptures showing God speaks to his followers in dreams, some will still turn their backs. Growing up as a dreamer has not always been easy. It's a sensitive subject and many have rejected me because of it. I know the way some church people view dreams so I usually keep it to myself, but with myspace, twitter, facebook etc., people can look up my blogs and see what I believe. I knew if someone had viewed my blog or read my books simply by the way they treated me afterwards. I can't tell you how many times someone will be friendly with me today and totally blow me off tomorrow after viewing my websites. I honestly want to say, "My websites/blogs turned you off? They aren't even half as radical as I truly am!" ha-ha   All jokes aside. I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt, but I'm used to it.
           I do understand some people's hesitation. If they haven't read their Bibles and they are going based on what they've heard or seen by other radicals, it can be a big turn-off. It's important to remember that Godly dreams will never tell you something that goes against the word of God. It may go against man made doctrines, but never the word of God. It's also important to remember that God wants to speak to YOU. It's great to seek wisdom about your dreams BUT don't become dependent on a person to speak to you. Pray about the dream and seek God. It's important to seek God because not all dreams are from God. The enemy can lie to us in dreams. Our earthly flesh and emotions can slip into our dreams as well. It's a known fact that some medications can cause dreams too. 
         Also remember that you may not get an interpretation for every dream. Trust that all interpretations belong to God and if He doesn't reveal the meaning, move on. The most important thing to remember is not to make dreaming an idol. I see all too often "spiritual" people worshiping the art of dreaming and not the dream giver Himself. Our relationship is with God, not dreams.
          Dreaming with God is connected to our relationship with Him. The closer you are to Him, the more clear the line of communication and the easier it will be to hear and understand. One thing I try to do is read the Bible before I fall asleep. I also go to sleep expecting to hear from the Lord. Sometimes I dream a lot and other times I go weeks or months with not a single dream so don't get concerned with the amount of dreams you dream. If God has something to say then He will say it.
          If put in their proper place and used correctly, dreams can be an amazing blessing. I remember my mom having a dream that showed her we'd be okay during a hurricane and avoided hours of traffic by trying to evacuate. So we sat still and guess what! The storm totally missed us despite the weather report just like her dream had revealed! I remember having a dream that brought wisdom to a burden my mom was facing. My dream led to her healing! I've had dreams that shared where safe places would be during storms. Like years ago when I was still in High School, my church was located in an old run down inner city neighborhood. I dreamed during a flood it would be a safe place for people and news crews to come as my church gave out supplies for those in need.  And a few days later, my family and I watched my dream/vision unfold all over the news!
          Dreams are amazing! God speaks! My husband and I have made life changing decisions based on wisdom and clarity given in dreams. The Lord spoke to my husband about what apartment to move into and situations to avoid. My husband dreamed a previous company he worked for went out of business. When He woke up he felt the Lord urge him to start saving. A few months later the business did just that and it was the savings the dream inspired him to save that held him over until he got a new job. Praise God!!
          If you've closed your heart to hearing from God in dreams, you are missing out. I could write a book with story after story about how dreams have affected me and my family. I'd encourage you to search the Bible for yourself and really seek the Lord and allow Him to reveal more of Himself to you.
           I believe God wants to share life's details with you. It doesn't matter how big or small a situation is, if you invite Him in, He will share with you.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

His grace is sufficient

God doesn't pick the qualified, He qualifies the chosen! Don't let anyone in or out of church make you feel that you don't have a place within the body of Christ because you do! 

Psalm 141:3 The Message

Post a guard at my mouth, God,
      set a watch at the door of my lips.
   Don't let me so much as dream of evil
      or thoughtlessly fall into bad company.
   And these people who only do wrong—
      don't let them lure me with their sweet talk!
   May the Just One set me straight,
      may the Kind One correct me,
   Don't let sin anoint my head.
      I'm praying hard against their evil ways!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Meaning it

          Have you ever had a falling-out with a friend, then after some time had past you reconcile and try to move forward? I've only had this happen a few times, thankfully. One thing I've learned through those experiences is the importance of truly letting people "begin again" - giving second chances, a fresh starts.
          When we make people pay for hurting us in some passive aggressive way we are pouring poison on our relationship. We are putting the blame entirely on the other person without assuming responsibility for our part in the downfall. We are not only ruining our friend's second chance but our own. 
          People get tired of paying a price. Little jabs here and there add up and create distance between the very relationships we want to keep, self destruction at it's best, if we aren't careful a root of bitterness can completely sever our relationship's chance of survival. The jabs get old and expose our stifled emotional growth.While we are busy being "catty" our friends will have outgrown us.
          We can't offer a second chances and continue to make people pay in sublet ways. If we choose to do this we are sabotaging our relationship from the get-go. It's also arrogant because again, it's putting the blame entirely on the other person and most people aren't willing to carry the responsibility  of a broken relationship alone. It shows the other person we don't recognize how we hurt them which is unsettling in any wannabe healthy relationship.
         Besides my own relationship experience, I was a counseling and psychology student for awhile and one thing I've learned is that anyone can want a restored relationship, but unless you are willing to lay your feelings aside, throw away your pride and do the hard work, it's not going to last. I've read testimony after testimony of people who had been divorced finally reconciling and living "happily ever after" again. One thing they all have in common is a "clean slate". They gave each other the gift of "starting over", completely and fully. On the other hand I've read about relationships that tried to reconcile but couldn't. They were okay for awhile but  didn't last the test of time because one or both of the partners couldn't let go. They continued to bring up the past, throw jabs here and there and continued making the other person pay. The choice is ours. It does not matter the relationship we are trying to save the truth remains the same - relationships flourish when each person is allowed a sincere chance to start over.
          When we decide to reconcile let's make sure we truly mean it by giving the relationship a fair chance to bloom by forgiving completely. No relationship can stand when someone is harboring unforgivness. Count the cost and decide, "Do I want to save this relationship?" If so, then give it a second chance and mean it! Let go of the drama and start over, sincerely.