Wednesday, January 13, 2016

iPhone upgrade

      When I upgraded my iPhone I lost all my notes. For whatever reason they aren't on my icloud. This happened over a week ago and every-time I think about it I grieve their loss and feel the ripping in my soul for a moment. I lost poetry, random 3 a.m. writings and expressions only long nights with God could hold. I wish I had courage to share my random sentences and poetry on my blog. They aren't polished and edited but they are raw pictures of pain and hope and the joy that always comes in the morning. Our God is so good. 
        My new phone is already holding a collection of entries. I pray the words that were lost would be counted as seeds for future works. I know the fountain within me continues to flow with living water. I'll never feel defeated because there is always more from where the previous came from, but I know the sting will linger for a time.

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