Saturday, September 19, 2015


          Learning to love ourselves is one of the hardest things some of us will ever do. One of the reasons for this is because we know ourselves. We know all our thoughts, mistakes, flaws etc. This is what inspired, "Greater Than Our Hearts",  a chapter in my book, Living As Children of Light & Oaks of Righteousness. Sometimes our own heart holds us back. 
        Other times, however the opinions of other people hold us back. This is a little more challenging because we can't control other people. We can't make them grow, open their eyes, expand their minds. We have no say in what someone else does. So if someone else chooses to live their life putting others down, discriminating and acting like a bully there is nothing we can do. We can only change how we handle the situation. 
        Some easy ways I've learned to conquer negative outside voices is A) make sure they stay outside voice. Clean out your circle of friends even family. If someone does not see how amazing you are make sure they remain an outsider. You don't need purposely hurtful people in your inner circle. B) Know your own worth. Make a list, keep reminders of all your positive attributes and accomplishments. Other people may never see you in a positive light, but how you see yourself can make all the difference. C) Remember who created you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. God does not make mistakes. You and God are a majority. You may desperately crave people's approval, but remember you are already approved of by God.
       In a world full of circumstances out of our control it's important we know how to care for our own mental and emotional health. Just as David learned to encourage himself, we too must learn to minister to our own hearts and minds. There may not always be someone else there to do it. 
        Know your worth, BeYOUtiful.

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