Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Divine encouragment

       I recently got a word/vision for someone. It happens often when someone is facing a situation or is at a cross road or needing encouragement. I thought it was just for me to pray about since I'm not connected with this person at all. But then I came across an article where the person writes about desiring the very things I saw for her. Now I believe if she knew she'd be greatly encouraged. So I'm praying if it's God's will for me to deliver this encouragement that He'd connect us in some way. Otherwise it will remain something I stand in faith with her for, even if she never knows someone else is in agreement with her.
       I don't know why people despise prophetic people. Okay. Yes. I. do. They despise prophetic people because of all the whack-a-doodles that pretend to walk in such gifts. All the people with false motives and agendas. Trust me I've met my share. I've met the crazies that don't know their left from their right. I've met the power trip people who lust for prophetic gifts to slap a label on themselves and push others down. I've met a trail mix of people claiming these things.  It's easy to toss the whole thing out. I even wanted to do that for a long time. I stopped recording my dreams. I tried to shut God out in this way, but I can't. It's who I am in Him. It just happens. I don't have to work it up or do anything but be me - filled with Him. As long as I'm staying in the word, ministering to Him in worship and keeping myself spiritually healthy it flows on it's own. Sometimes people assume you can switch it on and off and grant words as wishes to a genie but it doesn't work that way. It comes from a place of friendship with God. It's about relationship with Him. The more you nurture that relationship the more clearly you will hear and see spiritually. The same goes for all spiritual gifts. It's all about staying connected with Him and tossing out anything that threatens that connections.
        Just as with any gift it has to be trained, sharpened and brought to maturity. This takes years. I started learning as a child and yet I still feel I have so much more room to grow. There is no end. It's like learning a different language. The language and whispers of God. Much of my learning has been through making mistakes. Hearing God but interpreting Him the way I wanted or assumed (with a sincere heart). Guess what!? It doesn't matter how you interpret or twists God's word, it will be what it was intended to be. When we see the obvious difference between what we thought and what actually was, we learn and correct ourselves if we are sincerely seeking God. People who are honestly seeking God look at themselves in a spiritual mirror and examine their hearts often. It's important to cast away our own agendas and anything that could block our reception.
        Anyway I'm really excited for this girl I had dream/word/vision for. God's got great things planned for her and it seems she's already tuned into it. She already feels and senses it throughout her whole being.  That's awesome.

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