Sunday, January 19, 2014

Approval Rating

       It's easy to be discouraged when some Christians put you down for having dreams, they either say it to your face, "that's not of God" or they may shun you and completely avoid you.  I used to get really discouraged about it, because I felt I had to hide my life and the events that surrounded it. My online websites used to be my safe haven. I'd share with like-minded people on Myspace, and my blogs. Slowly as more people I knew joined these sites and saw my posts the more I began feeling the brunt of some of their rejection. It paralyzed me for awhile. But slowly I began to see things differently. 
        I realized those who are most against God speaking through dreams and visions are people who never really had a need. They've been loved, cared for and surrounded by support. They've never been backed against a wall, stuck in a hole higher than they could climb, or ill with no provision etc. People who have always had their needs met can't understand a God who would speak through dreams, visions, signs and wonders.
        I will say, I have seen some of these doubters changed their mind when they were faced with a desperate situation. Funny how their tune changes, when they desperately need it....THEN it's okay. What we must realize is others face desperate situations all the time. Some people are afflicted for years with no relief. Many things hidden from other people's view. The only thing that keeps them going is a whisper from God in a dream or a sign. And God is more than willing to reach out and give such things to His children. 
       Those who have been filled with family support, relationships at church, a wonderful past, health, wealth and emotional stability can't judge the experiences of those who have faced a life of challenges and loneliness.  The same with us experiencing these super natural events, we can't judge the doubters, it's not their fault if they don't understand, their life has not allowed them. We can't hide our life away afraid of their judgments because there are hurting people that need the word God has given you. There are people who need God's vision for their life before they perish.  It's not about our approval ratings, it's about obeying God with the message He's given us.

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