Friday, August 24, 2012

Calculated Risks

      Sometimes we need to take a calculated risk, in faith. Not all risks are wise. Some are careless and cause more trouble than good, but there are times when we need to calculate the cost, evaluate the circumstances and GO FOR IT. Risks can pay off handsomely when wisdom is used.
     I was reading an autobiography of a famous women. She went on and on about one divine connection after another and she wasn't particularly spiritual. I began to wonder how did all this happen for her? I realized she lived a spontaneous life. She was willing to change her plans, go on a whim and jump at anything. Her risks paid off every time. It got me thinking, "I'm playing it way too safe!".  With God on my side and I on His, I should be taking more chances, in faith. 
       When I take a risk I know logically all the dots don't connect and God will have to step in if this risk is to turn into a success story. I know I'm leaving dry land and stepping on water. It's in those places where we exercise our faith - like weight lifting! Let's pump some iron!
       I'm an over thinker. I like to prepare. I like to know what's next. I like to do good and follow the rules when I can. I'm not very good at being spontaneous or taking risks in faith. My husband on the other hand is extroverted, spontaneous, lighthearted and free in ways I'm not.The Lord has been teaching me to embrace my husbands differences as a good thing. He brings balance to me. The Lord has funneled many blessing through my husband's fun loving, easy going personality - blessings I would have missed out on because I wouldn't have jumped.
        A calculated risk means you've done your part. You've obeyed the Lord. You've acted with wisdom and wise counsel and then decide to take a few steps beyond what's safe. You test the waters to see if these are waters the Lord's called you to walk on. Many times we stay on dry land and cry out for more, when the Lord is saying "Come to me, walk out here with me."
        What chances and risks is God beckoning you to take today? Do you trust Him? Are you courageous? If we live our lives safe, only extending ourselves where logic says we can, we will never see God increase us. It's when we step out, expecting our Lord to meet us, that He actual does. Are you giving Him a chance to do super natural things in your life? Or are you playing it way too safe?

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