Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I love Facebook! It's allowed me to stay in contact with people, make new friends, and advertise my book and ministry. It really is wonderful! So, what I'm about to say, is in no way meant to take anything away from Facebook's "fabulousness" lol.

I've personally notice that sometimes Facebook hinders me from moving on. Have you experienced this? Before Facebook, Myspace and other social networking sites, when a season ended, it ended! We wouldn't see those people anymore, or hear about certain events, or programs.

Social networking has made it difficult for many of us to identify the end of some seasons, and the beginning of others. We can easily hang on to old even dead season because we are still connected online. It's like a piece of our soul never fully release those things from our past because we continually see parts of the past daily.

Instead of focusing on what's ahead we are able to check-up on old friends, co-workers and so forth. Sometimes, this is a good thing because we are able to build bridges with people that time never allowed us to in person. That to me, is a God thing! 

Unfortunately, most times it is negative, because God wants us to move on. We've all heard the sayings about people not making into our future for reason, right? (I don't know the exact quotes, but you know what I mean, hopefully.) Social networking gives us a false sense that certain people have made it into our future, because we see their online activities, hear about their lives, and occasionally even share a few comments back and forth. 

On Facebook you are able to connect with childhood friends, school year friends and more. I'm not 100% sure this is a good thing. I don't believe God wants us collecting a bunch of people from out past in our present. I know some may disagree, but the key is following the Holy Spirit. God is in the buisness of bringing people back around, so some old connections could be a blessing, but make sure to check in with Jesus first. Last thing any of us need is the enemy bringing a bunch of old stuff to clutter all the wonderful new stuff God is doing in our lives.

Anyway that's my two cents about facebook and seasons.


Lori Logan Vance said...

I agree with you on this! Great post.

Rachelle said...

That is so good and true!