Friday, May 3, 2013

Share less, Believe more

     How do you live a radical life? How do you stay in faith about your situations? Tune out the world! We must learn the art of "selective hearing". Even Christian can discourage us without meaning to, by simply trying to be "realistic" and "state the facts". I've learned to keep a lot to myself, not because I don't want to share, but because I don't want other people's opinions to affect my faith.
       I don't want someone to "state the facts" because God can change the facts. I don't want someone to be "realistic" because the spiritual realm is more real. God is supernatural. He brings the super in this natural place. My mind can worry, think of all the risks and be real enough on it's own. I don't need to hear it from others. So, I keep certain things to myself.
       I can't tell you how many times I've shared a situation, and what I was believing God to do with such excitement, only to hear a Christian say, "make sure you have a plan B" or "Well worst case scenario you could always..." and when I tell them they've discouraged me they say they were only being "realistic". Talk about draining all my enthusiasm and anticipation on God. So becareful what you share and guard your treasures.
      You and God are a majority. You don't need tons of people to believe in faith with you. If you can't resist and have to share make sure it's someone as radical and crazy as you are, otherwise you risk them popping your balloon.

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