Wednesday, January 21, 2015

You're going East

      Your life is going East. Your future is East. God uses the picture of the sun rising in the East throughout my dreams as a symbol of Him moving us forward. Our lives are always moving forward with God. I realize this is a generalization and the sun rise isn't exactly east year-round, but it's the symbol, not science that brings the encouragement. My husband and I always look at each other and say, "We're going East!" anytime one of us gets stuck in a rut of some sort. It's a quick reminder that our future is forward and not in the rear view mirror.
       As long as we remain connected to the vine (Jesus) our life will steadily move forward. It can be painful to leave old things behind, but we have hope that tomorrow holds more love and life than the things of yesterday. We must walk in faith, knowing that God has our lives all planned out - we must only choose who we will serve (Joshua 24:15). When we choose Jesus, we choose the best path for our life. We choose what we were created for! 
       It doesn't matter how hard the future looks. When we choose God, He goes above and beyond to meet us where we are. Whatever obstacles we face whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual - He sees us - He knows us- and He meets us! You are going East!

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