Friday, January 30, 2015

Prayer releasers

         I've learned that much of what we hear from God is for us to pray about, not deliver. I spent much of my earlier years as a Christian wrestling with this. I'd be out shopping and I'd be hit with a "love wave" for someone. I'd never know what to do or what to say, "umm, excuse me, I feel God's love for you." (haha) and that works - people need to know, but many times it's not the point of the wave. The point is prayer! Maybe add, "Is there anything I can pray with you about?"
        Other times approaching someone is not an option, the nudging from the Holy Spirit was not for them, but for you. It's prayer fuel. I have gotten to a point where most of my alone driving time is  spent in prayer. I have worship music on and I start saying praises to God and then start flowing in the Holy Spirit and prayer. It starts off small. First, you're praying for the homeless man at the red light, then the family in the car next to you and the man with a busted up car etc. etc. You're prayer muscle continues to grow. 
       My husband is used to me bursting into random prayer while driving when I see someone or something that moves me or saying, "Honey, let's pray for this person/situation real quick." and we pause and pray. Other times I prayer under my breathe, or in my heart. Usually if I have to pray in my heart I will take out my phone and type the prayer in my "notes" app. It's a better release than holding in for me.  And there are times I have to get away, to a quiet alone place and pray it out for a longer period of time. 
      I spent much of my earlier years hoarding these impressions and feelings. It was overwhelming for such a sensitive person. Learning that prayer was the point of it all set me free.   The key is obey the Holy Spirit. Again, as you grow in this area the Holy Spirit will lead you to do different things. I always loved driving around my neighborhood and praying over the houses and families- speaking blessings and safety. Your prayer life with God can take on many shapes.
        Some of you reading this may feel the same way. You are overly sensitive. You feel everything. You absorb the sensations around you like a sponge. You are called to pray! Not everyone notices the things that you notice, trust me! You may have even grown up feeling ashamed of your sensitive nature, but I'm hear to tell you, it's a gift! Prayer changes everything. 
      When we pray it releases the pain and pressure of all the things you pick up on in the Spirit. As you continue to use prayer as a release, you being to see that prayer was the point from the beginning and you stop holding those feelings for long periods of time. You sense it, you prayer it out, repeat. You stop wrestling on how to deliver words to someone made of all the jumbled up things you've seen/felt/heard in the Spirit for them. Instead, you become a person of continuous prayer.

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