Friday, June 21, 2013

God knows what's coming

      My husband and I are dreamers. We are not ashamed of this, though some uptight Christians would want us to be. If you actually read your Bible you will see that the people that fill the pages were also dreamers. God gives dreams to His people. Dreams are not isolated to the old testament. He directs His people with dreams in the new testament as well.
       My hubs had a dream that a lady would stop by our house seeking info about the foreclose next door, and it happened as usual. The details to this is a bit longer, but I wanted to share a bit of encouragement after the interesting event yesterday, " God knows what's coming your way." Stay connected with Him, listen for His voice. He goes ahead of us and prepares a way of victory. He knows what's around the corner. Don't dread tomorrow. Be filled with peace and joy. Your creator already knows what's coming your way, and if you stay connected with Him, He will prepare you.
     God is supernatural. He is not some far off concept. He's not unreachable. He is with you. He wants a relationship with you. A relationship that is more real than your human relationships. I don't know who reads my blogs. I have a counter but it does not give me details. So I have to assume someone is going to read this that is fascinated with God being a dream giver.
        I would like to say to that person, yes, God wants to speak to you. He wants to share with you. You can have a relationship with Him that way. Hubby and I didn't start off knowing what all our dreams meant, and still don't. But we've been paying attention to our dreams for over 10 years. You learn to understand God's voice. You learn your Shepherd's voice and how He speaks. Just like mother knows the sounds of her baby, God knows our sounds, and He will teach us His. Being a Christian is not a boring, religious or uptight things. It's super natural! You can take part in it too!

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