Saturday, January 21, 2012

Modern Day Bully

One of my biggest pet peeves - when someone snaps an unflattering picture of a stranger and then posts it on Facebook for all their friends to laugh!

That's what I call a "Modern Day Bully"!!

Are you a modern day bully???

Posting a picture of a stranger for laughs is the equivalent of kids on the play ground saying,"HAHA LOOK AT THAT GIRL!" It's unbelievably rude and immature! What's worse is that those I've witnessed doing this are all Christians! We are called to LOVE and  PROTECT!

I feel like no one is allowed to make a mistake, if we do someone will capture it and post it! It's horrible! Who cares if someone is wearing ugly clothes, or has messy hair, or is abnormally tall or fat? Taking a picture for laughs is really mean! If someone trips and falls, help them up, don't post a video! Where's the love? Especially from Christians!

Anytime I see a "modern day bully" post I always make a point to speak up, even though many times those laughing turn their laughs at me, calling me sensitive or blah blah blah. It's worth standing up for what's right!! Exploiting strangers is not cool! It's pathetic! And I don't know how they sleep at night, knowing they created a platform to harass the person in their picture!

If you have a hard time discerning what's appropriate and loving to post, ask yourself, "What if it was me?" or "Is my post creating a platform that mocks, bullies and humiliates someone else?", better yet, "Would Jesus post this?"

Remember as Christians we are called to love & protect!

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