Thursday, August 4, 2016

The prophet called

                The same prophet that called me before hubby and I bought our first house, called me again last month.  Again, I didn’t answer because it was an unknown number, but it was saved on my voice mail. He named a spirit that was hindering my progress and said that God has something big and something major that’s going to happen for me.  He said the Lord woke him up early to give me this word.
 I realize how some people will think its looney or this or that, but at the age of 32 I’ve decided not to worry what anyone thinks of me anymore. I am who I am! God told me in a dream back in my teens that He had given me the gift of prophecy and that I was a seer, so it is what it is. This gift and calling on my life consumes my whole life, it’s natural for me, and it’s easy for me. Hearing God in the little things, seeing and knowing signs, and having dreams and discernment about things. Feeling God’s yes and God’s no.  It’s who I am in Christ.
Look at John Osteen, He had countless super natural experiences and wrote about them all, not caring what others would think of him. He was even kicked out of a church and ended up starting a new church in an abandon feed store.  If people don’t accept the true you, than maybe it’s not where you belong in the first place.  
I’m not the type of person that displays my spirituality in person. I think I seem pretty normal in person. I do, however, share some of my experiences online where I feel safer. I know I need more courage and confidence. That’s probably the biggest thing missing in my life.
Anyway, the message from this prophet was right on target with my life. I had been praying a little differently lately. I have been praying that anything in the spiritual realm that is blocking or hindering me to be removed in Jesus name. I got this advice from listen to Andrew Wommack many years ago. He spoke on how Daniel fasted for his answered prayers. When the angel, Gabriel, came he said the moment Daniel prayed the answer was sent, but he (Gabriel) was restrained by the prince of Persia. (Daniel 10:12-14 NIV)
Andrew went on to say that we no longer have to wait for these spirits to be removed by angels; we can command them to move in Jesus name – speeding up our answers. We have that authority over our own lives.  Knowing this for many years I still never consistently prayed in this manner. Well, for the past week, I was empowered by the Holy Spirit, and I started to pray this way countless times a day. After a week or so, I got this phone call telling me what the hindering spirit was! Wow, right?! Now I can call it by name and tell it to GO! In Jesus name!
Besides knowing the name of the spirit, it also shows, again, that if God has a word for you he will get it to you no matter what! Acknowledge God in all your ways and seek first the kingdom of God.
I hope these testimonies fill you (the reader) with faith and hope in your own life. God is no respecter of persons and if He will speak and move for me, he can move and speak for you. May your faith be energized and hope renewed.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Dream: Be removed

In my dream I saw a lady walking alone in the dark. I saw a tag, label or something attached to her belt on her back side where she couldn’t see it or know about it. I saw the sign removed.
When I woke up I thought about things, big and small, that happen repeatedly to some of us specifically social and relationship issues – some of us since we were kids. We begin to think these negative attacks, whether big or small, are personal. We begin to feel rejected, so we isolate ourselves - we get bullied to the outskirts. We may wonder if we did something wrong to deserve what keeps repeating.  
In the dream this lady had a sign attached to her that she didn’t know about, like a kid at school with a “kick me” sign which encourages people who are easily influenced negatively to randomly kick the kid throughout the day. The poor kid thinks it’s personal, but it’s not. The kid goes all day being randomly kicked. Their confidences dissolves, they become fearful and confused and start avoiding people. Why is everyone against me?  They believe the lie.
Spiritually it’s the same thing. Somehow, someway, somewhere a sign gets placed on us – even as child. These signs are there to make us feel personally attacked and rejected. They give direction to negative forces who influence weak people to behave badly toward us, which in return tricks the victim into living afraid and isolated. They begin absorbing these attacks personally, not realizing it’s a spiritual set-up masquerading as truth.
 (I believe) God says he’s removing these signs attached to us.

(these are my impression upon waking up)