Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Let it bleed. Let it heal.

        There is often a connection between what happens to us physically and what happens to us spiritually. It’s not something we should point out in someone else, but more appropriately it’s discerned by each individual. When our spiritual healing and physical healing are connected there is usually a specific event or season that sets off our physical issues. It’s important to let individuals identify this for themselves through the leading of the Holy Spirit.  If not, we risk misdiagnosing someone’s condition, inevitably leading them in the wrong direction (e.g. telling someone their depression is spiritually when it’s hormonal).
         When the spiritual punctures us physically, or the physical punctures us spiritually it can seem like a maze to walk through, not knowing which way is up or down, left or right, but with God’s help we will get through healed and whole. The steps to healing a puncture wound aren’t always pleasant. God may first remove the object that wounded us, as a surgeon would remove a nail, or knife embedded in an injured person. When our life is wounded deeply (deeper than minor cuts) – like a stab in the back. God may apply pressure to promote bleeding to wash out germs.  Without the pressure most deep wounds won’t bleed and risk major infections. Our bodies naturally try to keep infection out but sometimes need assistance.
        The problem many of us face is that when we are spiritually attacked by something in the physical world (fight with a friend, trauma, abuse, offense, sin against someone or they against you etc.) or physically attacked by the spiritual world, we often hastily rip out the object that injured us. We remove ourselves from the situation or even detach our hearts and think it’s over and done. This unknowingly leaves pieces of the event/object inside our wounds causing endless infection and discomfort. Many times we don’t even consider this as a cause. We end up getting physically sick and wrestling in our hearts and minds – some people for a lifetime.   Healing comes when we identify this root and stop resisting the pressure that brings healing. We must follow the Holy Spirit’s lead as he directs our steps through any hurt and pain. We must allow God to do surgery on us spiritually/physically if we want healing physically/spiritually. Everything in the physical word has spiritual repercussions and everything spiritual has physical repercussions.
       After we have gone through the healing process and our wounds are cleansed and properly bandaged our physical bodies begin to heal. Tumors dissolve, mental health issues flee, skin clears, chronic pain and suffering disappear etc. The lists of physical conditions that vanish and go into remission when we are healed spiritually are endless.
       If you think the affliction you are going through has a spiritual connection consider the time line of events. Did anything happen in your life when your illness began? Ask God to reveal anything in your heart and mind causing a lack of forgiveness, excess guilt or offense. Don't resist His wisdom and revelation when He exposes the open door. Be transparent with God and follow His leading as He helps untangle the web of lies, and cleanses any neglected wounds that have become infected in your life. Every path to healing looks different. Sometimes healing means reconciliation with someone in the natural. Sometimes it's confession. Sometimes it’s a personal journey behind closed doors. The key is to allow God to be the pilot.  

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