Sunday, February 1, 2015


         Many people struggle with bad habits, hangups and addictions. In America especially, the idea of demons has been washed over with science and self-help. The thing is, if the root cause is not addressed people will fall powerless over their dysfunctional behaviors. Getting rid of a demon is like unplugging or switching off a fan. Once the fan is unplugged it may spin several more times as it slows down and completely stops. Similarly, in our lives when we remove the demonic force empowering the behavior, your behavior will spin several more times out of habit but without the power it will complete stop. 
        After deliverance the dysfunction will be gone forever, unless a person plugs back in and allows the demon access again. Sometimes people allow demons access to their lives again because they don't know what to replace the dysfunction with after it's gone, "idle hands are the devil’s workshop." 
       Some will roll their eyes at what I'm sharing, but once they've experienced the freedom they will no longer doubt. The devil loves making people think he does not exist. An eye opening book everyone should read is, They Shall Expel Demons by Derek Prince. At the end of the book he even leads people in a prayer of repentance, forgiveness and deliverance over their own lives. 
       Admitting you need deliverance does not mean you are a bad person or evil. I know that is a fear for some. I'd actually argue the opposite. The enemy only attacks those he feels threatened by. God has great plans for your life that the enemy does not want you to fulfill. Plus, we are in a fallen world, some demonic strongholds begin in childhood, or generations earlier and are passed down. Admitting you need help in this area does not mean you are bad in any way.  There is no shame! :-)
       We can wrestle our whole lives trying to be set free without truly attaining it. God has already done His part and set us free. We must use our authority! I encourage the skeptics to try what Derek Prince suggests and see for themselves. It's a huge missing piece to mainstream Christianity.

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