Monday, December 21, 2015

What's your home town?

      When we allow other people’s interactions with us to determine how we feel about God’s purposes for our lives we will become discouraged.
      Jesus could do no miracles in his home town (Mark 6:1-6 NIV). They didn’t respect him or the role God had given him. Sometimes the very people you’ve grown up with are the very people who miss God’s plans in you. One reason this happens is because they don’t allow themselves to see you in a new light. You will always be the same person in their eyes.
     Jesus’ hometown couldn’t see He was anointed by God and they missed the blessings He carried. How much more will people over look your achievements, your changed life, your gifts and talents?
      Have you ever been to a family event where everyone treated you with little to no respect? Or your parent’s see you as a child even though you have children of your own? They can’t see you as anything other than what you were. This can be discouraging especially when God is doing new and unusual things in your life.  
      Maybe people at your job or church show you respect and honor who God has shaped you to be, but over the holidays with family you realize you are still the same old person in your family’s eyes.  This is common for many people, especially those who have experienced drastic transformations. Not everyone is willing or able to shift their view.  If a town couldn’t see the hand of God of Jesus, how much more will our transformations pale in comparison?
    We’d like to think when God is using us that everyone will cheer and make note, but that is not the case.  We will learn early on that God is our pat on the back; God holds our identity, not man. It’s easy to be rattled by someone's opinion of us, but we all have to learn to hold our God given place no matter how people act. Everyone will not see what God is doing in you.
     Your “home town”, whatever that may be for you, may never grow past their first impression of you from decades ago, but that doesn’t take away from God’s transformation in you. He will use you somewhere else, just like He used Jesus.
          If only we could learn to see people for who they are today - in this moment. If only we could learn to see God’s hand on people and let go of our first impressions that are often wrong and full of prejudices -  exposing our own hearts and not the hearts of others. If only Jesus’ home town took another look, if only they let go of what they knew and saw Jesus for whom he was in the moment. How many blessings are missing out on? How many people do we over look? We all do it and we’ve all had it done to us.
     You are who God says you are whether anyone ever knows it. You are who God says you are whether anyone recognizes it or honors it. You are God’s workmanship created with a purpose and bought with a price. Don’t be rattled by the attitudes and judgments of man.
     And let us learn from our own rejections to not miss God’s hand on people because we too refuse to take another look.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Drifter, the anchor holds!

      It’s so easy to drift in the ocean or veer off the road when ones not paying attention. It can happen suddenly, which snaps us back into focus. But more often than not, it happens slowly. We slowly fade. We slowly drift off point and find ourselves miles down the beach, if we slowly drift to sleep while driving we may find ourselves in a ditch. Most people think they are fine, they are in control, but reality hits. We realize we underestimated the ocean’s current and our fragile condition. Maybe we should have spent the night in a hotel. Thankfully, some roads have rumble strips also knows as sleeper lines to alert drivers when they drift from their lane.
     I wish all areas of life had these lines. Imagine it! You start veering into a different gifting or calling and you hear the rumblings. You start becoming friends with the wrong person – rumblings. You approach a restaurant that’s wrong for your diet – rumblings. It would take the guess work and ambiguity from God’s direction at times. Unfortunately, outside of beach markers and highway rumble strips life doesn’t often provide obvious bumpers and signs when we begin to drift. This is why we need the Holy Spirit. He is our rumble strip, he is our bumper. He holds us in place and keeps us in our lane.  
       Without our anchor nothing stays the same, everything moves and drifts a bit. We may try to stay put while standing in the ocean enjoying the waves, but inch by inch we are pushed until we’ve drifted farther than we anticipated. Unless we are grounded, rooted and stabilized we drift.  Are we falling asleep? Are we being pushed by the current?
    When we look at our lives and see our Christian values fading, losing sight of our faith and holy lifestyle there is usually one thing that has happen, we’ve lifted our anchor and lost our hope. Just like a bottle of water we sip on all day long we are emptied and need a refill.
     We are perfectly capable of refilling ourselves. I get filled daily! We live best when we live in an overflow state. When we allow ourselves to be drained and emptied we begin to drift. Thankfully the Holy Spirit begins to alert us that we are low and need to refill - rumblings.
    Our anchor is faithful! Our anchor holds! As long as we stay connected to The Anchor we will not drift off our marks. He holds, He’s steadfast and faithful.
       Drifter, the anchor holds!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Perfect Fairy tale

"It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages."
 ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

    I was watching a dating show on a popular station last night. I find it fascinating to hear and see other people’s thought processes. The contestants had been looking for love year after year but were coming up empty handed. They finally surrender their love life over to someone else in hopes they could match them with the right person. In the contestant’s interviews they said things like, “I’m looking for my perfect match” or “I’m looking for the fairy tale ending.”  The words perfect and fairy tale were red flags. There is no perfect match and there is no fairy tale.
     Some of the other contestants said, “I want someone with no baggage.” No matter who you date or marry they’ll have baggage - you’ll have to deal with someone’s mess. There’s no escaping this fact. When you commit your life to someone there will be junk to deal with - your junk and their junk. We all have junk! It’s just the way it is and it’s beautiful in its own way and in its own time.  
     I guess I wasn’t tempted by fairy tale ideas because my hubby and I were best friends for almost 11 years before we got married. We knew each other well and there weren’t any surprises, honestly. That doesn’t mean everything is smooth and easy. Merging two lives comes with complications, none of which can be described as perfect or a fairy tale.
      Sometimes I think the idea of finding the perfect match has more to do with the worship of ourselves. We want someone who complements our personality style, someone who makes us look good, someone who gratifies us, someone who promotes our rank in society, someone who appeals to our senses and someone who makes our lives easier. It’s all centered on a ME mentality.
        Marriage done right makes us holy. It smooths off our rough edges and forces us to grow in ways we can’t even imagine before experiencing it first-hand. I often wonder if people have missed out on their person because they have too many deal breakers, to many self-worship ideas on their list. Of course this is not true for everyone. But it makes me wonder when I see dating shows where people are listing all their “must-haves” in a spouse. Most of these “must-haves” are based on self-worship.
     What if your person looks different than you imagined? What if they don’t have a degree?  What if they live a few states over? What if their personality is not the one statistics says you’re most compatible with? What’s on your must-have list? Sometimes we miss God’s greatest gifts because they come packaged differently than we wanted. They aren’t God, they are human. You can encourage your spouse to get a degree; you can move to the same state; you can learn to celebrate your different personalities. None of these are deal breakers. How many of our deal breakers have easy solutions that would actually help us grow as a person if we embraced?
      If our relationship is based on perfection and a fairy tale what happens when problems arise? We will abandon ship! We won’t have the staying power and resolve. What happens when the butterflies leave? Will you be able to invest in your marriage long term cultivating more butterflies?
         What about those couples that seems to have it all? The ones that make us want a fairy tale? If it’s based on a movie, book or other fictional outlet, than it’s just that, fictional. If it’s a real couple you admire, it’s probably a couple who has learned to be grateful and see the best in everything. It’s amazing how we can create our own perfect and our own fairy tale by simply believing the best and cultivating a grateful heart. This doesn’t mean circumstances are perfect or fairy tale like. Other times when a couple seems to have it all it’s simply us catching a glimpse of their soon fading fire, like a shooting star. We see the beauty and wish it was ours only to realize how fast it burns out. We shouldn’t compare and envy others relationships because we don’t see it within context. It may be as fleeting as a shooting star.
      The best way to pick a spouse is not with a wish list, but with prayer and common sense. We can live (make it work) with many people, but the key is to find someone you can’t live without. Once you find someone you can’t live without, you’ll have to spend the rest of your life working at the relationship.
         Lifelong relationships take a lifetime of work. If you’re lazy, selfish, and only want someone who meets your “self-worship” list than finding a lifelong partner may not be for you and that’s OKAY.
       As a Christian I believe that couples are supposed to become one. As we grow we actually form a oneness that transcends just our bodies. It’s spiritual.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


    Pay attention to the gatekeepers in your life. Gatekeepers have the ability to block blessings and people they dislike. This can hinder our relationships, ministries and businesses.
     For example my mom felt she was supposed to work at a clinic by our home, but for several years she kept turning her resume in without any luck. She began wondering if she had made a mistake and eventually moved on, it had been years. After much prayer my mom decided to try again. A new lady called my mom right away. My mom was in shock and told the office manager how she didn't expect to hear anything since she's tried so many times before. According to the new office manager, the old office manager was throwing away all applications and only hiring her buddies; no one outside of her circle had a chance. The frustration my mom experienced had nothing to do with her, but a gatekeeper. Another example would be when my dad continued to get looked over for a raise. After much prayer and faith the old boss was moved, and a new boss gave him a $7 raise to catch him up with everyone else. In both instances the blessings was stopped by one person in a strategic position holding the gate closed. It’s scary to think one person could dictate so much.
    These gate keepers withheld goodness and purposely hindered the divine flow of things. Thankfully, they were moved and replaced. Sadly, some biased gatekeepers are never moved and continually hinder productivity and divine connections for years. I've honestly never seen one removed by leadership identifying the issue. I've seen these people removed after prayer. Through random events the gatekeeper finds a new job or is moved to a different positions and a new person comes in who allows the divine flow.
     Who is your middle man? They can make or break you. Whether you own a business and have an assistant, whether it’s a friend blocking new connections for you, we all have people that can dictate important areas of our lives. I know a lady who took me off her boss' mailing list because she disliked my Christian world view. Is it a big deal in the grand scheme of things? No. Did it hurt my feelings? A little but what can I do?  Gatekeepers make decisions based on what they want, not the team or other people's feelings. 
     I’ve seen people hit it off great, it seemed like a divine connection, but the person’s friend gets jealous and sabotages the connection. I’ve seen this happen in numerous ways. One of the lowest ways I’ve heard about is with Facebook. People often leave their facebook accounts logged in on their computers or cell phones and a sneaky friend goes and deletes a person or two from their account. It seems unreal, right? People do these things. It’s just another person blocking and shifting the natural flow of things. It’s another example of people playing gatekeeper.
     Who can swings doors open and locks doors shut in your life? These people have the ability to shape parts of the narrative in different areas of your life by lying, hiding or blocking important information and connections. These gatekeepers stop you from doing what you know you're supposed to do. They stop you from being where you are supposed to be.
     If you feel frustrated and can't pin point why there may be a biased gatekeeper on the other side holding you back. We often assume "well, I guess it's not meant to be" when in fact it's a gatekeeper using their position for their own agenda. This is why we must have discernment. Everyone does not have integrity, not everyone is mature enough to handle a little power. If you pray, God will reveal what's clogging the pipes in your life. Sometimes he'll change someone's heart if they are willing to change and other times he'll kindly move them on to something else. Prayer changes everything. 
        This is a lesson for us as well. Have we ever held a gate or door closed for personal reasons?  When we let jealousy, hate, or anything else get in the way of someone's path we risk being moved by God.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

We are free....

     "I used to think being a godly woman meant getting up early to read my Bible and pray every morning. The only problem is I don’t process thoughts or words early in the morning, so I’d beat myself up for being distracted and groggy. One day, God interrupted me with this thought: Renee, I made you. I know you are not a morning person. I know you like variety. I created you, so work with Me.
     I felt like God was telling me to spend time with Him but not to put so much pressure on myself.
From that point on, my time with God has been more adventurous and enjoyable. Some days I sit with God and read or pray. Other days I go running and listen to my Bible on my iPod. Then I’ll pray and talk to God while I am walking back home.The point is I’m free now to spend time with God in ways that fit my personality, and I love it!"

 - Renee Swope, 
Proverbs 31 Ministries

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Kingdom - Victorious

Let it bleed. Let it heal.

        There is often a connection between what happens to us physically and what happens to us spiritually. It’s not something we should point out in someone else, but more appropriately it’s discerned by each individual. When our spiritual healing and physical healing are connected there is usually a specific event or season that sets off our physical issues. It’s important to let individuals identify this for themselves through the leading of the Holy Spirit.  If not, we risk misdiagnosing someone’s condition, inevitably leading them in the wrong direction (e.g. telling someone their depression is spiritually when it’s hormonal).
         When the spiritual punctures us physically, or the physical punctures us spiritually it can seem like a maze to walk through, not knowing which way is up or down, left or right, but with God’s help we will get through healed and whole. The steps to healing a puncture wound aren’t always pleasant. God may first remove the object that wounded us, as a surgeon would remove a nail, or knife embedded in an injured person. When our life is wounded deeply (deeper than minor cuts) – like a stab in the back. God may apply pressure to promote bleeding to wash out germs.  Without the pressure most deep wounds won’t bleed and risk major infections. Our bodies naturally try to keep infection out but sometimes need assistance.
        The problem many of us face is that when we are spiritually attacked by something in the physical world (fight with a friend, trauma, abuse, offense, sin against someone or they against you etc.) or physically attacked by the spiritual world, we often hastily rip out the object that injured us. We remove ourselves from the situation or even detach our hearts and think it’s over and done. This unknowingly leaves pieces of the event/object inside our wounds causing endless infection and discomfort. Many times we don’t even consider this as a cause. We end up getting physically sick and wrestling in our hearts and minds – some people for a lifetime.   Healing comes when we identify this root and stop resisting the pressure that brings healing. We must follow the Holy Spirit’s lead as he directs our steps through any hurt and pain. We must allow God to do surgery on us spiritually/physically if we want healing physically/spiritually. Everything in the physical word has spiritual repercussions and everything spiritual has physical repercussions.
       After we have gone through the healing process and our wounds are cleansed and properly bandaged our physical bodies begin to heal. Tumors dissolve, mental health issues flee, skin clears, chronic pain and suffering disappear etc. The lists of physical conditions that vanish and go into remission when we are healed spiritually are endless.
       If you think the affliction you are going through has a spiritual connection consider the time line of events. Did anything happen in your life when your illness began? Ask God to reveal anything in your heart and mind causing a lack of forgiveness, excess guilt or offense. Don't resist His wisdom and revelation when He exposes the open door. Be transparent with God and follow His leading as He helps untangle the web of lies, and cleanses any neglected wounds that have become infected in your life. Every path to healing looks different. Sometimes healing means reconciliation with someone in the natural. Sometimes it's confession. Sometimes it’s a personal journey behind closed doors. The key is to allow God to be the pilot.  

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Welcome home

       This song was playing in my heart yesterday. I have not heard this song in over ten years. I didn't even know the lyrics completely until I looked them up. The part that kept playing in my heart was, "there's no shame in returning though you may have wandered far" which is within the same theme as my last post. 
       There are no records of wrongs, there are no payments for sins with God (Jesus already paid). There is rejoicing when just one sinner repents and turns to God.
       "Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?  And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." (Luke 15:1-7 NIV)

Lyrics : 
I was taken back when You took me in
Just to wipe my tears away
You made no demands chose not to blame
Though I knew You had the right to
And I saw the years I wasted
Searching everywhere in vain
Finding nothing to believe in
Until I finally heard you say

Welcome Home My mercy's waiting
Welcome Home to open arms
There's no shame in your returning
Though you may have wandered far
Welcome Home

That was years ago so far away
At an altar on my knees
But I can still recall like yesterday
How Your love forever changed me
Oh I see how You've been faithful
Though I've often caused you pain
And I've learned you won't forsake me
When I need to hear you say

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Meaning and Purpose

        Life’s challenges often cause us to forget who are and what we’re created for. Before long we are traveling paths that weren’t created for us, going with the flow and becoming carnally minded. We find ourselves frustrated and depressed thinking, “I thought God had a plan for me?” we ask ourselves, “What’s the point, I can’t seem to remember?” We’ve all found ourselves in this place and if you haven’t you will one day.
      The problem is we begin trying to find our meaning and purpose outside of God’s presence. Nothing makes sense outside of Him. The solution is easy, His presence. When is the last time you truly worshipped God? I mean truly had a breakthrough in worship and prayer? It’s His manifested presence that changes us and brings clarity. It happens almost instantly when He touches us.
       When is the last time you told God how amazing and powerful He was until his manifest presence filled the space you were in? That’s what brings clarity. That’s what chases confusion away. That’s what makes clear your path. That is when you know who you are.
        The longer we stay out of His manifested presence the farther we drift and the more confusing our life seems. People can encourage us all day long. People can tell us what they think they know, but when we get into His presence there is an assurance, there is a confidence, there is a, “I know I was born for this!” You can face any mountain, wall or road block. It can be you against a thousand critics but you will not be swayed because God has given you His, “Yes!”
       His presence casts out all shadows, all darkness, and all lies. It’s easy to slowly replace His presence with earthly wisdom, people’s approval, our own striving and busyness, but there will come a time – hopefully sooner than later- when we hit a wall mentally, emotionally or spiritually and we realize it’s His presence we need more than anything.
        When we are at our best spiritually it’s hard to imagine a day when we’d need to be reminded to get into His presence. I never thought I’d have a season like that. But life has a way; it always has a way of slowly beckoning us, slowly seducing us and one step at a time we fade away. If it was an obvious step away we’d all recognize it, but it’s tricky, it’s camouflaged as many things. Thankfully returning is only one step away. 
      Thankfully we don’t have to recover all our side steps and backward steps. God is always one step away. His presence is always there waiting for us. Returning is as simple as turning around. We don’t have to backtrack alone. He walks with us. He always meets us where we are, even if He’s traveled that road with us a million times before. There is no shame, no payment or resentment. His presence is free, but it’s our choice.
      Nothing will bring more clarity to our lives than His presence.

Soak me in your glory

    This song is giving me life right now! I love the raw sounds. I always find these types of songs extremely powerful during my prayer and worship time. The intimacy level is off the charts.
      Aj Warren has been leading worship and writing his own songs for many years - as long as I've known him. I wish he had a CD or his music on iTunes. There is no way this man is not meant to do this full time. He is gifted and seasoned. Sorry for the quality of the video. Someone from his church recorded it and posted it on FB.

Posted by Tiffany Coate Screws on Sunday, September 27, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The clarity of the window

"A young couple moves into a new neighborhood. The next morning while they are eating breakfast, the young woman sees her neighbor hanging the wash outside. 

"That laundry is not very clean; she doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap." 

Her husband looks on, remaining silent. Every time her neighbor hangs her wash to dry, the young woman makes the same comments. A month later, the woman is surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and says to her husband: 

"Look, she's finally learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this? " 

The husband replies, "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows." 

And so it is with life... What we see when watching others depends on the clarity of the window through which we look." 

Author unknown 

Saturday, September 19, 2015


          Learning to love ourselves is one of the hardest things some of us will ever do. One of the reasons for this is because we know ourselves. We know all our thoughts, mistakes, flaws etc. This is what inspired, "Greater Than Our Hearts",  a chapter in my book, Living As Children of Light & Oaks of Righteousness. Sometimes our own heart holds us back. 
        Other times, however the opinions of other people hold us back. This is a little more challenging because we can't control other people. We can't make them grow, open their eyes, expand their minds. We have no say in what someone else does. So if someone else chooses to live their life putting others down, discriminating and acting like a bully there is nothing we can do. We can only change how we handle the situation. 
        Some easy ways I've learned to conquer negative outside voices is A) make sure they stay outside voice. Clean out your circle of friends even family. If someone does not see how amazing you are make sure they remain an outsider. You don't need purposely hurtful people in your inner circle. B) Know your own worth. Make a list, keep reminders of all your positive attributes and accomplishments. Other people may never see you in a positive light, but how you see yourself can make all the difference. C) Remember who created you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. God does not make mistakes. You and God are a majority. You may desperately crave people's approval, but remember you are already approved of by God.
       In a world full of circumstances out of our control it's important we know how to care for our own mental and emotional health. Just as David learned to encourage himself, we too must learn to minister to our own hearts and minds. There may not always be someone else there to do it. 
        Know your worth, BeYOUtiful.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

My life is a witness

     "My life is a witness to vulgar grace -- a grace that amazes as it offends. A grace that pays the eager beaver who works all day long the same wage as the grinning drunk who shows up at ten till five. A grace that hikes up the robe and runs breakneck toward the prodigal reeking of sin and wraps him up and decides to throw a party, no ifs, ands, or buts. A grace that raises bloodshot eyes to a dying thief's request -- "Please, remember me" -- and assures him, "You bet!"...This vulgar grace is indiscriminate compassion. It works without asking anything of us. It's not cheap. It's free, and as such will always be a banana peel for the orthodox foot and a fairy tale for the grown-up sensibility. Grace is sufficient even though we huff and puff with all our might to try and find something or someone that it cannot cover. Grace is enough... 
      “Sin and forgiveness and falling and getting back up and losing the pearl of great price in the couch cushions but then finding it again, and again, and again? Those are the stumbling steps to becoming Real, the only script that's really worth following in this world or the one that's coming. Some may be offended by this ragamuffin memoir, a tale told by quite possibly the repeat of all repeat prodigals. Some might even go so far as to call it ugly. But you see that doesn't matter, because once you are Real you can't be ugly except to people who don't understand...that yes, all is grace. It is enough. And it's beautiful.”

- Brennan Manning -

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

You and me


 “Do not judge and criticize and condemn others, so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemned yourselves. For just as you judge and criticize and condemn others, you will be judged and criticized and condemned, and in accordance with the measure you [use to] deal out to others, it will be dealt out again to you.” – Matthew 7:1-2 amp

         As new covenant believers we know Jesus has taken all punishment and wrath. We receive grace upon grace in all areas of our lives, even when we fail big time.  God does not look at our failures and make us pay penance. He sees from all angles. He sees us from the inside out. He knows exactly why we tripped up and what events led us down each and every road we travel. He understands. We on the other hand, often see people’s mistakes as personal attacks against us - we make it all about us. This hurts our pride and egos making us feel justified sentencing people, “They must pay!”
         When we punish others and make them pay penance we are standing on dangerous ground. We are sitting in the seat of judgment, holding ourselves up as gods. The Bible says not to do this, “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.” (Matthew 7:1-2) The Greek word there is "krino," (Strong's #2929) and means "to distinguish, i.e. decide (mentally or judicially); by implication, to try, condemn, punish.” We have no rightfully ground to punish anyone unless we want to be punished, implicated, tried and condemned. The measure we dish out, will be the measure we reap.
      There is a type of judgment we are told to use throughout the Bible, but it is not to punish or condemn. For example, 1 Corinthians 2:12 says, The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things…” this word judgment has more to do with discernment. The Greek word is "anakrino," (Strong's #350) of which "krino" is a root. It means "to scrutinize, i.e. (by implication) investigate, interrogate, determine, examine, and take into account."
      Some personality types and temperaments may believe if the offender doesn’t know their being punished there’s no harm no foul. This is not true. Passive aggressive behavior is a symptom of deeper issues and a lack of revelation of a very present all-knowing God. The person you are hurting may not know or be able to prove you are punishing them, but God sees our hearts. Plus, any underhanded behavior will always eat away at our relationships whether it’s instantly noticeable or not. We are destroying the foundation the relationship sits on.
      The Bible says it’s appointed to all men to die once and after is the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). The word judgment refers to sentencing (Strong’s #2920). Do we want God judging/sentencing/punishing us for all our wrong doing, which is certainly abundant? No. Then we must live a life of grace toward those who have hurt us, realizing we are not perfect. It is our pride and self-righteousness that demand, “They must pay!” both of which are signs of an immature spiritual life.
        Coincidentally, one of my favorite podcasts posted a podcast about “The Dangers of Schadenfreude.” Schadenfreude is German for taking pleasure in another person’s suffering. Antonia Dodge goes on to say how many people justify taking pleasure in another person’s pain by calling it Karma or justice. And how we can no longer retain the moral high ground while wishing ill upon someone else. This is often true in religious circles. Religious people are prone to wanting payment of sins, especially if one has a Catholic background. This attitude, however, is opposite of what the Bible directs.
      The Bible says,  all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23) The Bible reminds us that righteousness is not earned by works or by sufferings. It’s based on one thing, and one thing only, and that’s the expansive, inclusive, love, of a perfect, all-knowing God who works with us in the process of transformation. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) Who are we to make people pay penance when God doesn’t even require it? Are we greater than God to require payment? 
       Jesus says about retaliation,"You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." (Matthew 5:39) The Messages translation says, "No more tit-for-tat stuff. Live generously."
      When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, he changes our heart. So if we are punishing someone, making them pay penance, the root may be our relationship or lack thereof with Jesus. Someone filled with the Holy Spirit is also filled with His grace, filled with his kindness, filled with his patience toward others.  When God dwells in our hearts we no longer want revenge and payment of hurts. Instead, we pray like Jesus, “Forgive them for they know not what they do.”