Monday, August 20, 2012

We pray and surrender

         My hubs and I have been house hunting the past few weeks. If you've ever house hunted you know the emotional roller coaster it takes you on. "I love this house!", "No, I love THIS house", "Agh! I hate this house, umm, wait, no I change my mind I LOVE it" not to mention the countless houses you love online but are sold before you get to see them. The mixed emotions that come with finding a place to dig roots and start a family is exhausting. Thankfully I have God and I'm not left to my own wishy-washy feelings.
        Before we started this process we committed our ways to the Lord. We agreed we would pray about every step. We believe,"The steps of the Godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of theirs lives." and if we "Seek His will in all we do He will show us which path to take." The Bible also says, "He (God) determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live." Being confident in God's desires to lead us we have laid every house we've loved at His feet. He has closed every door thus far. Of course we could have pushed our way through, but we fear the Lord and honor Him, so we humbly bow and let go, no matter how emotionally connected we've become to a house. He has something better.
        No matter how many times we tell ourselves not to get attached to a house it still happens. Our minds begin filling the house with our stuff, we envision our future kids playing, inviting guests over for dinner, holding Bible studies, watching our dog run in the yard. So it's painful when a door closes. It's as if a part of you is being ripped away. The good part is ultimately after a few tears and words of encouragement to one another, we know God is control. We don't submit our ways to Him because He forces us to, we do it because we want to. Because we trust Him. He knows best.
       When we pray and surrender our will for God's will. We know we're risking losing things we think we want. Though painful, we are soon pleasantly surprised when He gives us more than we expected. He blesses us with things we  truly want and need, but didn't recognize. 
       This is the confidence we have in our God. He has good plans for us. This goes for every area of our lives. When we pray, we are taking a risk, but the risk is worth it because the things we lose are replaced with things He knows we'll love. It's a choice. My hubs and I have chosen to be people of prayer. People led by the Holy Spirit and people that allow God to give and take away as he pleases. 
       House hunting has been tough because our emotions continually getting in the way, but God has been faithfully keeping our paths straight. We know at the end of this we will be planted exactly where He wants us.


For His Glory said...

He will never let you down. He never has and never will. He's got you in the palm of His hand and He knows what's best.

Lori Logan Vance said...

Amber, I am so thankful that you shared this! I am going to print this out and save it! My husband and I are also just starting to look at buying a house, and even just looking online has been incredibly stressful to me! But you have reminded me that God directs our steps and He will find us a home that our family is going to love!

Daylight said...

Lori, it's so stressful, especially because you feel like you have to rush or the house you love will be swiped from under you. The market moves so fast. BUT with God there is peace because you know if it's yours then it's yours and it will still be there waiting for you. No man can shut a door God has opened for you. In Him we've found so much peace because we can pray and wait and listen to His voice without rushing and being hasty. :-) I'm praying God leads you and your family to the PERFECT house. It's an exciting experience.