Tuesday, February 21, 2012

There will never be another

"If we're both the same then one of us is unnecessary!"
 - Jimmy Evans

 As I sat on my sofa Saturday morning with tears running down my face I watched Whitney Houston's casket being carried out of the small New Hope Baptist church with her famous song, "I will always love you" playing in the background. I couldn't help but feel like the world had lost something tremendously special - a once in a lifetime voice. There will never been another Whitney! You could pick out her voice from any cluster of voices because she had a unique sound! 

Just like Whitney we each have a unique "sound". Our sound my not be expressed through singing but through whatever avenue God has gifted us. What made Whitney special is her determination not to change her "sound" for others. There were many reports about different groups saying Whitney sound to this or  that, but Whitney continue doing Whitney to her best ability. She never caved to the pressure to sound a certain way whether too white, too black, too pop, too soul, etc. When we change our "sound" to please others we lose the unique quality that only we have. This unique quality has been given to each of us by God for the enjoyment and growth of those around us. 

Depending the circle we hang around the type of pressure to conform may vary. For example, my husband and I used to go to a church that only celebrated one personality type. If you weren't loud, fun or extroverted you'd be over looked and forgotten about. The pressure to put on the accepted "face" they celebrated was very tempting, but the Holy Spirit convicted us. Why should we lose the very qualities God loves about us just to fit in with people who only celebrate clones? Each uniquely created personality and gift set is valuable in the eyes of God and our sound needs to be heard even if no one celebrates it.

When people look back on our lives they should say, "There will never be another" because there wont be! Just like Whitney is a once in a lifetime voice, so are YOU. There will never be anyone like you! The pressure to conform is everywhere. Each culture, church, school, peer group etc all come with their own pressures but to cave is to forfeit the sound God's given you to bring love, healing, wisdom and change to that very group.(I'm not talking about morals! God wants to change our character and make us people of integrity, but that's different than our personality and gifts).

Honestly, how many of the same type of person do we need? In the words of Jimmy Evans, "If we're both the same then one of us is unnecessary!"

.... just saying!! :-)

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