Monday, January 16, 2012


I was reading Mark 9 Sunday morning before church and the "someone" in verse 38 caught my attention.

(ESV) "John said,"Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, b/c he was not following us."

(NIV)“Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”  

(THE MESSAGE) "Teacher, we saw a man using your name to expel demons and we stopped him because he wasn't in our group."

Talk about boldness and courage!! This "someone" was not one of the disciples and I wonder what made him think He could use Jesus' name on His own?!? Nowadays we know about using HIS name, it's been preached and taught on every platform. It's Christianity 101.

Back when Jesus' 1st disciples walked the earth, it was all new, only those Jesus had taught and appointed himself knew about the authority they had access too. This impresses me because the "someone" in Mark 9:38 took it upon himself to join in. He must have observed Jesus at some point,  seen the disciples in action, or heard stories through the grape vine and decided, "I want that!". Talk about initiative!

Think about it, what if I tried using your name to buy something?!?! You'd be like, "Excuse me! I don't know you like that! What gives you the right to use MY name?"

This "someone" did just that! He decided to use Jesus' name! He wasn't one of the chosen, in their group, or hand picked by Jesus, and yet he must have been a Christian who wanted to do more than stand by and watch. He wanted to participate! And he did!

The disciples were not thrilled about his eagerness and tried to stop him, but look how Jesus responds,

 "Jesus wasn't pleased. "Don't stop him. No one can use my name to do something good and powerful, and in the next breath cut me down. If he's not an enemy, he's an ally. Why, anyone by just giving you a cup of water in my name is on our side. Count on it that God will notice."  THE MESSAGE

I love how Jesus wasn't upset with the "someone", he was actually displeased with his own disciples for trying to stop him. There is something to be said about taking initiative! "Someone" didn't care if he was part of the "IT team", he just wanted to help do the works of the ministry and Jesus let him!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Love that insight. Love your blog. Awesome!!